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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 27, 1981
Page 3
The Apostolic Church from 31 A.D. proclaimed that Message, but with
special emphasis on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, of which they were
eyewitnesses. The population of the whole world then was probably no
larger than one of the states of the U.S.A. There were no mechanical and
technological facilities such as we have today, in areas of COMMUNICATION
The two SPIRITUAL AREAS of the PURPOSE of the Church are, 1) pro­
claiming the Good News of the KINGDOM OF GOD for a witness to the nations
of the world (Matthew 24:14), and 2) to "feed the flock"--on the spirit­
ual food of the Word of God. That's ALL they had in that day. But today
we carry on God's Work in a world multiplied larger in population--a
mechanized, mechanical world with instrumentalities to work with, never
dreamed of in the first century.
The basic organizational pattern is the SAME--but today we must utilize
SUPPORTING SERVICES in scientific, technological and mechanical areas that
were nonexistent in the first century. Moreover we have to deal with the
world's governments in a manner quite different.
show you an overview CHART of the Church's Organization and
Government to carry on the Work of God by His Church in this 20th Century
(Matt. 24:14; Mal. 3:1-5 & 4; Hag. 2).
Now we are already into a stepped-up homestretch spurt of this END­
TIME Work God has given us to do. I am already deep into a new series of
television and radio programs. I have twelve of the new programs already
recorded in advance, beside those already aired.
Of course the major city newspaper full-page messages have been under
way, and especially in the Wall Street Journal. In that paper we reach
just about everybody who OWNS or wants to own the properties, and espe­
cially corporate properties of the U.S., and everybody who runs, or wants
to run, the governments of the United States. We plan to greatly expand
this means of sending out Christ's Message. Just day before yesterday the
number one TV station of Chicago, WGN, opened to us. That is the most
powerful outlet for reaching that populous midwest area since the radio
program on WLS many years ago which built the Church membership
We have plans for stepping up the newsstand circulation of The PLAIN
TRUTH. We plan to resume purchasing large space for Christ's Message in
such publications as Reader's Digest and TV Guide, which have MASSIVE
circulations reaching many MILLIONS. For all of this I am having to ask
our members and co-workers to make extra sacrifices and increase their
freewill offerings. We DO NOT, and WILL NOT solicit the public for
contributions. But God does expect His people to make sacrifices for
Him, especially at critical times.
I shall need the support of our Ministry in this, so that the addi­
tional expansions may be financed. All this additional pressure we are
putting on in taking Christ's Message more powerfully now to a multiplied
listening, viewing and reading.public will, in a few months, begin to
bring in additional NEW VOLUNTARY co-workers. The additional money we
must put into this expanded program now is like pump-priming--where we
used to put an amount of water into the pump to prime it, and then it
produced a flow of water multiple times larger than the original priming.