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alone. Thank you for working so long and hard to deliver God's mes­
sage and to share
wonderful benefits of its truth. Thank you for
not giving up. Thank you for going out again to world leaders and
for writing and encouraging us so much. Thank you for your recent
letter--it is so inspiring to know that we are in the final plunge
of getting ready for the Kingdom. Yes, and most of all, we thank
God who has made it all possible!
Ken and Donna Robertson (Austin, TX)
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for reminding us of what we should be doing
and for guiding us in the right direction. We all give our thanks
and praise to God who called you and taught you so that we would have
a strong shepherd to lead us on our long path to home--the Kingdom.
Thank you for every letter, article, ad, booklet and book that you
have written or will write. Continue in good health as God continues
to bless you and direct your steps.
The Tom Campbell Family (Salem, OR)
My wife and I want to let you know (Mr. Armstrong) that we are hold­
in up your arms in support of this great worldwide Commission of
spreading the good news of the World Tomorrow. We pray always that
your health will constantly be improved and that your knowledge,
wisdom and understanding will be increased as needed. Also, as you
fly over this dangerous earth, we pray constantly for God's safety
over you and those with you.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bailey (West Lafayette, OH)
This is a long overdue letter to thank you deeply for your love and
concern for all of us in God's Church; and to let you know we are
supporting you in our prayers, thoughts and tithes. We have been in
God's Church for some years now, and want to tell you we appreciate
your sacrifices over that time. What has been especially amazing
and inspiring is your ability to see through the subtleties of Satan.
Richard & Carol Bonsey (New Haven, CT)
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for being so zealous in the Work.
If you
weren't doing your job so wonderfully I would never had heard the
truth to begin with.
I just wonder what hopeless, pitiful condition
I would be in without the Church. Through you, Jesus Christ brought
me to repentance, raised me from the grave, gave me ears to hear,
eyes to see and strong legs to walk the spiritual line. I owe you
my life and my fortune. And we both owe ours to Christ!
Carl Dobbs (Oxon Hill, MD)
My wife and I want to thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for your continued
zeal and great dedication to God and the Work He has called you to
do. We pray daily that God will continue to strengthen you physi­
cally to endure the schedule you have set for yourself, and that He
will give you the spiritual gifts you need to proclaim Christ's
message and lead the Work and Church.
Warren & Toni Hamblet (Oklahoma City, OK)