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ROSEBURG, OR--GREG JOHNSON: Some job problems exist due to de­
pressed lumber industry; some marriage problems improving after
lots of counselling. Overall, people are loyal, hard-working and
getting more involved all the time.
GLENDALE, CA--RONALD LAUGHLAND: Presently struggling with long­
time members who are facing problems that should have been addressed
and resolved 15 years ago. Many are coming to realize that they
cannot continue to live "underground" with problems and sins that
have been hidden for years. Appears God is routing out those sins
we need to eliminate as the end approaches.
FORT WORTH, TX--BOB SMITH: Have just returned home from Pasadena
where we were able to be instructed and refreshed through the very
fine Refreshing Program, and the opportunity to witness firsthand
the love, unity and harmony extant at the Pasadena complex.
The opportunity to attend the Refreshing Program with our Spanish­
speaking ministers, as well as others of the foreign areas of the
Work, was an extremely heart-warming experience. The obvious rap­
port among those in whom dwells God's Holy Spirit it truly a joy
to behold. It was also exciting to come away from three weeks of
teaching with the full realization that truly God changes not--and
that Jesus Christ, and His teachings, are "... the same yesterday,
and today and forever." Thanks for everything!
PLAIN TRUTH Magazine Seen on
1 1
Sesame Street"
I have to write to you (Mr. Armstrong) to share an exciting experi­
ence I had. The other day I was watching a well-known children's
program called "Sesame Street." During the program they showed a
film of a mailman delivering mail in the Appalachian Mountains. To
my surprise it showed him delivering a PLAIN TRUTH magazine! It was
clear enough to see the whole title, PLAIN TRUTH. I was so excited.
The next time they showed it I called my husband to make sure I saw
what I thought I saw, and as soon as he saw it he exclaimed that it
was the PLAIN TRUTH magazine!
Laurie Smith (Chillicothe, OH)
Weekly Letter Comments
Brethren are solidly behind Mr. Armstrong and hold him in highest esteem.
They thank him for his tireless efforts and pray for God to grant him
strength and direction to successfully complete the Great Commission.
Readers also continue to be inspired by Mr. Armstrong's book. TOMORROW...
WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE, with some now rereading it and even lending it to
others. And faithful tithe payers continue to share accounts of how
abundantly God has blessed them for obeying His great financial law of
Brethren Grateful for Mr. Armstrong's Leadership
Thank you (Mr. Armstrong) for being a faithful servant. Thank you
for remaining loyal and true to God's Word even when you had to stand