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Comments From Monthly Church Repor!:�
CHICO, CA--MARC SEGALL: A few of the people who left the Church
over a year ago are beginning to show signs of remorse. One couple
has already pleaded to come back to services and be a part of God's
Church again. They attended the GTA Church for a while and were so
disillusioned by all the cynicism, bitterness, gossip and "strange"
doctrinal twistings and perversions, they began to miss the Godly
fellowship and government found in the only true Church of God.
The brethren were extremely excited and helped by Mr. Armstrong's
January 20th member letter.
It seems like the brethren really
identify with Mr. Armstrong's analysis of current events in the
light of Bible prophecy. I'd also like to suggest that more written
information be available to the brethren on improving the family and
marriages of God's people. The latest GOOD NEWS magazine with Mr.
Tkach's article about being a Christian Father was greatly appre­
ciated and evoked many positive comments. Also, Mr. Armstrong's
Bible study tapes are more appreciated than ever. Please keep them
TACOMA, WA--LAMBERT GREER: Church continues to progress. Notice­
able rise in attendance, which includes a couple of people returning
to the Church after five, and in one case, twelve years.
attitudes are the best I have ever seen. Parents are beginning to
really take an interest. Everyone appreciated the emphasis on fam­
ily activities and articles in The GOOD NEWS pointing parents to
children. Many thanks from us and the whole congregation for the
new YOUTH 81 Magazine. We note that each article seems to point
the young people to their parents. This is really an answer to
prayer and a fulfilling of prophecy.
KANSAS CITY, KS--BRUCE GORE: Jobs are getting scarcer to find for
some of our members; a few economic problems exist in the Church. I
spend a lot of time counselling several couples re marriage problems.
Intolerance and lack of commitment is very evident.
We all sure appreciated the last letter from Mr. Armstrong. He is
sure setting a tremendous example of work and effort in fulfilling
his responsibilities. These are exciting times to be living in--
My wife and I are thankful to have a part in God's Work and be serv­
ing His people in the ministry.
SACRAMENTO, CA--JOEL LILLENGREEN: Flu continues to hit many in
this area. Enthusiasm runs high for Mr. Armstrong•s Bible study
tapes. Study guides we prepare ahead of time are very profitable
learning tools.
DENVER, CO--RONALD KELLY: Most of the Church is in a fine and
enthusiastic attitude. Anxious to hear about Mr. Herbert Arm­
strong's trips, etc.
1981 is off to an excellent start.
OR--GREG JOHNSON� Marriage and family problems improving;
Church involvement improving; some job and financial problems exist
due to economy.