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Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Bonny Scotland!
I just wanted to take this oppor­
tunity to thank you for your thoughtfulness and for the lapel pin.
I thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the Refreshing Program. My
extensive notes are now a gold mine that I am continually digging
into for guidance, direction, and answers.
Judging from the many comments printed in the PGR, the Program has
proved to be a major tool in revitalising and reawakening the
Ministry--"turning them on'' to the gigantic task that remains be­
fore us.
Thank you again for all your tireless efforts and those of the
Pasadena team.
John Meakin
Dear Mr. Tkach,
Shirl and I have returned to The Fort, following our very delightful
opportunity to attend the Refreshing Program, and--although extremely
happy to be back in the "swing of things"--find ourselves missing the
marvelous fellowship and instruction which so consumed the past three
To be able to meet so many of our Spanish-speaking fellow servants-­
as well as those from other foreign areas--was one of the most heart­
warming experiences of the trip West. As you mentioned on our last
day--as Herbert Cisneros opened with prayer--God's Holy Spirit is
very obvious in His people, regardless of the language in which it
is exercised.
I had desired to generate personal memos of thanks to each of our
instructors--but perhaps that sentiment can be best conveyed through
the offices of Ministerial Services. So, to you, Mr. Blackwell,
Dr. Hoeh, .Messrs. La�avia, Rader, Neff, Matthews, Anderson, Webber,
Snook, Albrecht, Salyer, Faulkner, Burky, Nice, Helge, McNair,
Hogberg--and all the Ministerial Services staff, as well as the mar­
velous crew directed by Mr. Carlton Green at the Student Center--
we humbly express our deepest "Thank You" for your part in helping
to refresh the ministry of Jesus Christ.
Looking forward to next time, we remain.....
Bob and Shirley Smith
Mr. Tkach:
We feel we were very blessed and privileged to attend the Ministerial
Refreshing Program. We have observed for ourselves the wonderful
warmth and unity of the ministry and members as well. The wonderful
knowledge and instruction we received shows how we are once more
getting back on the track and are speaking the same things. We are
very inspired.
Joseph and Hazel Schlitt