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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Years ago my Dad used to tell me the story of a tiger bounding fero­
ciously toward his intended human victim, gaining momentum with each
long stride, totally confident of his intentions. As he catapulted,
wide-jawed, toward his intended prey, that same "victim" extended
his arm toward the oncoming tiger, extending it through the open
mouth--all the way to the tip of the tail--and, after a sudden pull,
watched the hapless beast stride away in the opposite direction-­
but now turned completely inside out!
That story seems to best describe my relationship with the just­
completed Refreshing Program. I bounded in positively, and bounded
out even more positive. But, as I bounded out, I felt considerably
more like the tiger--now turned inside out--totally bared, exposed,
as it were, able to see and recognize self a little clearer.
I have since bounded back into my church area, filled to the brim
with exciting news for the brethren. And I am able to present such
news with new vigor, increased excitement and deep gratitude. The
Refreshing Program corroborated emphatically the fact that God truly
"changes not," and that Jesus Christ--and His Word--indeed are,
" ... the same yesterday, today, and for ever!"
The recognition that your designated "instructors" were teaching and
expanding upon those exact teachings and principles which my wife
and I were taught, by you, in 1960, was deeply encouraging and re­
assuring. The warmth and sincerity with which those refreshers were
presented was, in itself, greatly refreshing.
All in all, Mr. Armstrong, the program was a delight--albeit an
enervating delight. Our deepest thanks and love to you for your
continued stewardship over the precious people of the Living God-­
and for your total commitment to Jesus Christ and this way of life
which has been so mercifully revealed to His Church.
Bob and Shirley Smith
Mr. Tkach:
Before leaving the campus today, my wife and I would like to express
our gratitude for being able to attend the seventh session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Programme.
Please convey to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong our sincere thanks for
this inspiring experience. Only through loyalty to Jesus Christ,
His leadership, and your dedicated staff has this programme been
possible and a great success.
We have been particularly impressed with the harmony, unity, dedi­
cation and warm fellowship experienced during the past three weeks.
They have been truly a refresher to us and will enable us to convey
this feeling and teaching to the local congregations.
Once again thank you and your staff ever so much for all the work
and time devoted to us, not only in teaching, but also in the social
activities of the programme. It's been a great privilege to get to
know all.
Bram and Trudy de Bree