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Thanks be to God and to Jesus Christ for having guided and inspired
you to carry out this training!
It was most timely and we truly
needed it.
We will now work much more effectively, serving God and His Church
and backing you up, our apostle and servant of Jesus Christ.
With this well-prepared training, the Great Commission--the Work
that God is pleased to carry out through you in this end time--will
have better representation and greater success.
Wilfredo Saenz (Lima, Peru)
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
We just want to express our deep appreciation for the most wonderful
and uplifting opportunity God blessed us with in allowing us to enjoy
and benefit from the Refreshing Program. It has been very inspiring
to see firsthand the total loyalty and support of all the Ministerial
Services staff and all the Pasadena ministry to you, Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong, God's apostle for the end time. We have really been
"refreshed" as to the proper approach and proper ways to more effec­
tively serve God and His people. Thank you very much, Mr. Armstrong,
Mr. Tkach and all of you wonderful people for the example and instruc­
tion you have given us.
Pablo and Teresa Dimakis (Mexico City)
Note: The following letter is from one of three men employed by the
Spanish Department here in Pasadena who had opportunity to share in per­
forming simultaneous translation for the Spanish-speaking ministers
attending the seventh Ministerial Refreshing Program. The other two
translators were Carlos Gutierrez and Mauricio Perez.
Dear Mr. Tkach:
First of all I wanted to thank you, as well as Mr. Armstrong and Mr.
Walker, for the privilege of having been able to participate in the
seventh session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program.
It was moving
and inspiring to see the unity that you spoke of evidenced very
clearly both by the teaching and among the instructors and ministers
in attendance, despite the language barrier.
I have lived in Pasadena since 1974, and during the past two or three
years the atmosphere here has radically improved--there is a palpable
difference. Changes had to come from the top, and God and Jesus
Christ have brought about these changes through the example and di­
rection of Mr. Armstrong, and the faithful support of the men he has
delegated and entrusted positions of leadership to. Thank you, Mr.
Tkach, for your part in this.
Secondly, I wanted to thank you for your very kind and encouraging
words, not only during the session but also on that delightful card
(or should I call it effigy?)--and please thank and congratulate
your talented artist, Georgia Zick, for me. You, the other instruc­
tors, and the whole team have been a true inspiration. Thank you
Reg Killingley