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As the time of the end of the Work grows closer and closer, I pray
more and more for you physically, mentally and spiritually--that
God will draw you ever nearer in mind and spirit to Him and that
your understanding be ever increased.
Charlotte R. Kays (Toledo, OH)
"Tomorrow...What it
Be Like" Greatly Appreciated
I received the book TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE and believe me,
it's the very best thing that entered into my apartment since my
Bible! I've finished reading it and want so much to share it along
with some of the other booklets from The PLAIN TRUTH. Thank you so
much for enlightening me spiritually.
Belinda Johnson (Bradenton, FL)
I have to make a few comments on your book, TOMORRO�...WHAT IT WILL
BE LIKE. As I started reading it I was surprised by the power,
clarity and conciseness of your expression. It has also given me
many new insights. It seems that God has given you more and more
understanding. His basic principles stay the same, but as you have
grown, more and more ramifications have been revealed to you. I'm
thankful that you are here to reveal them to us.
Paul Kurts (Jacksonville, FL)
May I say how delighted I was to receive Mr. H�rbert Armstrong's
book TOMORROW... WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. Not a book to read and put
down but one to read and reread again and again, to digest and
assimilate. And thank God it will come to pass. I thank you for
such a lovely gift.
G.S. (Timaru, New Zealand)
Thank you very much for the book TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE.
I have enjoyed it so much and am going to loan it to my friends.
It is a book of facts based on truth and so nicely backed up by the
Holy Bible. Again thank you so much and may God continuously bless
you for the fine work.
H. Bert Woehl (Lodi, CA)
I have received the book posted to me from Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong,
I'm reading it again, and then I'll
lend it to my daughters to read. It is all true--what a wonderful
book. Please thank Mr. Armstrong for me. I don't seem to write
well enough to write to him.
L.W. (Christchurch, New Zealand)
Thank you most sincerely for the copy of your recent book TOMORROW...
WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. I am very grateful for being remembered! It
contains many beautiful thoughts for reflection and meditation, which
strengthen my prayer life and the love of my God and neighbor.
Sister M. Ann Cecile (Sylvania, OH)