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AVoice Cries Out:
''I have both
Good News
Bad News.''
Ajoke that is serious REALITY!
the joke.
But when applied to
life and mine in
today's civilization it's
It's something to
The joke is about a fictitious
rookie airline pilot. Of course
there are no inexperienced pilots
on commercial airlines-on/v the
experienced and capable.
But the fictitious pilot in the joke says
over the puhlic address systern: "Ladies
and gentlemen, this is your captain
:speaking. I have both good new� and
bad news. I will give you the bad news
first. \\'E ARE LOST! Now the good news.
We're making extra-fa;jt time_'"
Applied to our civilization, it's NO
JOKF.� This civilization has been piloted
by largely inexperienced leaders. Wt>'ve
lost our direction1 \\'e're not traveling
toward the intended destiny of man­
kind's incredible potentiaP \.Ve've never
seemed to know what that potential is.
or how to reach it! \\ - 'e're in imminent
danger of plunging into the CRA!--H nf
human extinctioni
And it's definitely not good news that
we're traveling the disaster course at
"extra-fast time." And gaining: mo­
mentum rapidli
Human leadership-the pilots of our
civilization - has heen incompetent. It
has faced tough problems it is incapable
of solving. It is piloting humanity
through troublrs and evils beyond
human controL
Om troubles and evils arr primarily
spiritual in nature, and humanity has
H� : RHEHT \\: .\RM'<TRON!I
capability of deeding only with the
physical and material. The way tn
humanity's intended potential is ''<;1n:"
- a spiritual motive. Hut a misguided
humanity has <'hosf'n the incentive of
''ca:T" a�d ronhned it to matnialistir
You board a 747 at New York for Paris
Your captain is well trained, expniencrd.
capable. He has checked the weather
patterns. He has efficient computnized
equipment. He knows the presrrihed air
lanes. He has professional guidance from
ground towers. He flies you safely to � ·our
destination, and with a trained ere"'
makes your flight a pleasure. Hut he is
dealing with the material and physical in
which he has expertise. On the other
hand. the pilots of our <'i\·ilization are
dealing with people and groups of people,
and the spiritual equation enters into the
There seems NO LIMIT to what the
human minrl can accnmplish in the
realm of the natural and phy�iral. Hut
prohlems and troubles are largely
spiritual in principle. Hefore them man
seems pitifully HELPI.R�s
\Ve can't seem t(i sol\'e prohlems and
eradicate troubles in the home. \\'e are
very inexperienced at solving disputes
hetween factions and groups, or trnuhle�
,een nntion:-;._ Sn WP sulf"er the
hrf·akup of home�. \\"e encounter trou­
bles. violence and wars between far
lions. groups, nmions
A frustrated and sulfning humanit�
soreh nenls a pilot of the pnfPnion ol
exprrtise in hnth the phvsi{·al and
spiritual realms
For 0,000 yerus a misguided hu1mrnity
has been galning momentum in tht­
.,., HO'.'•I(; DIRRCTIO!'i
\\'e are ''1.(bT" - and
we are "making extra-fast time"--on a
collision course tow.:url. a tiirnl CH..i.,.;11 in
human extinction. It's like a had dream.
from which we don't want 1o WAKE 1·p'
Hut ju:-;t hefore tlw fatal CHA.:-1-1, that
super Pilot, the unseen "Strnng Hand
from �orneplarC ' ," will intervem• in
human world alfair,; and sa\.e l1s from
Humanity will he cumpdli--d
tu enjo.\." wnrld peace. happiness, both in
material and spiritual ahundance and
uni\'nsal well - heing
llroPIA" Yes'. Whv not? I(,; all a
matter of CA1·sr. and HFFCT. This voi<"e
is pointing out the CA1·:-.E of present
world evils- the "1;r·r'' in<'enti\e, calling
on tlwse uf t r-,;nt:R-:TA!',IIHN<; to turn to
the directidn of "1;1n:'" nutthiwing
LO\"E to Curl and to neighbor_ And
announring the- irnminerwy nf a ne\.\..
peaceful. happy and ahund,rnt WOKI.D
TOMORROW, whether one believes it or
And that i!'; Gnon 'iEY,.S:
Arnba:-:-adur Founchtllnn
\\'e have nothing to :,;ell. On reque'it _vnu ma� rf'cPiw. gra!t,;. a 911 pagf"
eye opening book, The 't\-'underful 't\- ' 11rid Tr,morr1111 Wlrnt ft WIii H1'
Like Addres,; Herbert W. Arm11,trong, Pa,;adena. Calif., �ll 1:.!:t Or µhone t111l
free !8001 --t:2:l-44-14 In California call rnllet't C!l3) . 577- , 52:?,i
Page 9