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Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
The following two letters are from Spanish-speaking pastors who attended
the seventh Ministerial Refreshing Program.
In each case their original
letters in their native tongue appear before the English translation.
Estimado Sr. Armstrong:
Con fecha 29 de enero de 1981, siendo las 17:15 horas, se dio
termino a la septima sesi6n del Curso de Repaso Ministerial
aqu! en Pasadena.
Ante todo, doy a gracias Dios por haberle inspirado a usted la
magn!fica idea, como tambien doy las gracias a todo su equipo
ministerial sobre los cuales cay6 la gran responsabilidad de
ser nuestros profesores durante las tres semanas de clases.
Tambien agradecemos muchfsimo la valiosa participaci6n de nues­
tro director, el Sr. Leon Walker, quien nos dio aviso corres­
pondiente muy oportunamente para que mi esposa y yo nos pre­
pararamos para el viaje desde Temuco, Chile.
Lo que mas nos ha impresionado es la magnffica organizaci6n
del Programa y los metodos de ense�anza de los profesores.
Todos los conocimientos que recibirnos tienen un valor para
m! que no puedo explicarlo adecuadamente con palabras, pero
sf puedo decirle que todo ello sera de mucha ayuda en relaci6n
con nuestras responsabilidades en la congregaci6n de Ternuco.
Cuente en todo momento con nuestro total e incondicional apoyo,
asf como con nuestras oraciones que el Eterno nuestro Dios lo
fortalezca ffsica y espiritualrnente para que pueda curnplir li­
bremente la rnisi6n que Dios le ha encornendado de predicar el
Evangelio a todo el rnundo.
Filidor y Ediht Illesca
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
On the 29th of January of 1981, at 5:15 p.m., the seventh session of
the Ministerial Refreshing Program concluded here in Pasadena.
Above all I give thanks to God for having inspired you with such a
tremendous idea,as well as giving thanks to your entire Ministerial
Services team upon whom fell the great responsibility of being our
teachers during the three weeks of classes. We are also very thank­
ful for the valuable notification from our director, Mr. Leon Walker,
who gave us appropriate notice well ahead of time so that my wife and
I could get ready for the trip from Temuco in Chile.
What most impressed us is the excellent organization of the program
and the teaching methods of the lecturers. All the knowledge we
received has a value for me which I cannot adequately explain in
words. But I can tell you that all of it will be of great help in
regard to our responsibilities in the Temuco congregation.
Please count at all times on our total and unconditional support, as
well as on our prayers that the Eternal our God miqht strengthen you