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Page 8
International News
French Department Activities This past weekend, Mr. Dibar Apartian, direc­
tor of the French-speaking areas of God's Work flew to Montreal to offi­
cially announce some manpower changes for the area. Mr. Colin Wilkins,
who has been serving the French Canadian area for the past seven years, is
to be transferred to Glasgow, Scotland at the end of March. Mr. Wilkins
is originally from Scotland and is looking forward to being assigned there.
While in Montreal Mr. Apartian raised local elder, Donat Picard, to preach­
ing Elder. He will pastor the Montreal AM and PM churches for the time
being. Also working in the area are two ministerial trainees and a local
church elder. For the combined service there, 541 people attended, re­
flecting the growth in the area. Seven baptisms were conducted in the
Montreal PM church alone in recent weeks.
Coincidentally, on the return Air Canada flight from Montreal, Mr. Apar­
tian was recognized by a stewardess and greeted by name. It turned out
that he had met her in Paris about eight years ago when she had attended
services there. She is now a member attending the Hamilton, Ontario
Cameroon Mr. Clore is continuing his adventurous life in Cameroon!
his letter of December 18, he wrote:
"Last Sabbath, Mr. Njamta and myself
went to preach to the brethren in Makak/Libamba. About 22 persons (chil­
dren included) were present. Apparently, several from Minka couldn't come
because of no transportation. I made two trips (six km) from Libamba to
Makak to pick up several who couldn't find a taxi. I distributed Mr. Arm­
strong's book on the human potential, and left two Bible dictionaries and
concordances with the deacons as well as two WN's from the 10th and 24th
of November. The films about China and the one of the Young Ambassadors
were shown to the brethren of Edea, one week earlier. The brethren were
profoundly touched and very enthusiastic to see Mr. Armstrong in action.
They were equally thrilled to see the Young Ambassadors' film during which
several were so happy that they sprang up and began to dance. These films
certainly had a good impact on the brethren here.... "
Philippines: 1980 Summary The year ended with nearly 96,000 pieces of
mail having been received--up 17% over 19�9.
PLAIN TRUTH magazine subscriptions have risen steadily at a rate of 2000
per month until now 44,500 people receive the magazine. Another 5500 are
put on newsstands every month.
Responses to advertisements went up a huge 376% in 1980, largely due to
4,366 requests for the booklet DOES GOD EXIST? as advertised in Panorama
magazine in August.
Over the years, nearly 15,000 students have completed twelve lessons of
the Correspondence Course. Another 3,180 are currently active students.
Total baptized members reached 2,165 (+2.6% over 1979) and 157 new pro­
spectives were added in 1980 (+54%).
This past year over 2,900 attend the Feast of Tabernacles (+15%) and
offerings were up 40%. And the income received in the Manila office dur­
ing 1980 was also up 28% over 1979.
It was a very good year.
(Continued on Page 10)