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in magazines and newspapers, the Bible Correspondence Course). This is
a spiritual work. Broadcasting, both radio and TV, is done by the apostle.
Most booklets and books are written by the apostle. The "Personal
read, usually the lead article and often other articles are by the apostle.
Other articles are by staff writers trained in Ambassador College as were
all ministers. The Bible Correspondence Course, with thousands studying
it, is all the teaching of the apostle. In this Gospel-proclaiming area
is the Mail Processing Center, where hundreds of thousands--even millions
--of letters are received from listeners, viewers and readers. This
center includes ordained ministers trained by the apostle, who answer
letters asking Biblical questions, and seeking spiritual counsel.
In the area of "Feeding the Flock," first is Ambassador College,
educating and training men for the ministry, and others for various
positions in the Work. The teaching is that of Christ's apostle, who
is President and Chancellor of the College.
The Ministry, consisting of hundreds of ordained ministers teaching,
as the apostle taught them, in local churches worldwide.
Serving them for the apostle is the Ministerial Services Department.
Also under the apostle and cooperating with Ministerial Services is
the Festival Office, planning and arranging the annual Feast of Taber­
nacles attended in many festival sites around the entire world.
Feeding the Flock in print is The GOOD NEWS, monthly, and the World­
wide News, a tabloid, semimonthly, besides the Pastor General's Report,
weekly to the ministry.
(To be Continued)
Keeping Track of Automobile Expenses
It has come to our attention that several of the ministers with monthly
expense allotments are, on a regular basis, using part of their allotments
for automobile expenses. Because we need to keep specific track of fleet
expenses, we need you to let us know if this is happening to you so we can
allocate the various expenses to the proper budget. If you fall into this
category, please send us a memo listing what you spend in an average month
on 9utomobile expenses and how much is spent on general expenses. It
would be helpful if you can include a short explanation as to the type
auto expense (gas and oil, repairs, etc.).
Cassette P
We have had several requests over the last year for tape players to play
sermon and Bible Study tapes sent from Pasadena. We currently have in
stock a small cassette player/recorder. It is intended for these to be
used in conjunction with your current sound system. Those of you needing
cassette players may order them through a Supply Request form.