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started the course this past week.
that I've studied one lesson every
knowledge and so many details have
unbelievable! Thank you again.
Well, it got me so interested
night! I have gained so much
been clarified that it is
Blanca Paoli (Yauco, Puerto Rico)
I thank you very much for making your Correspondence Bible Study
Course available free of charge. Otherwise, I might never have
sent away for it. Before I started it I only assumed the Bible
said what I had been taught--most of it wrong! At last I am
finding out the true answers to a lot of questions that have
puzzled and worried me for a long time. It has also made me
begin to really read my Bible with understanding and interest
instead of just delving in on the odd occasion without much
Student (Australia)
My husband and I have taken Bible courses from more than one
denomination. We are now studying your Bible course. It is
very enlightening and the hours spent are so very happy and
truly exciting. It is the only course we have found plain and
truthful. We are both in our 60's and would love to be
baptized in the Worldwide Church of God. Can you help us?
Mrs. Clarence K. (Fort St. John, B.C., Canada}
Please allow me to congratulate the PLAIN TRUTH organization
on an excellent Biblical study course. It is easy to follow,
very interesting and quite intriguing. At last I can underĀ­
stand the "source of knowledge," the Bible. In the past, I
would read the Bible (mainly the New Testament) and understand
very little of it. Now I can understand and appreciate "The
Student (Australia)
All along I thought I knew the Bible. I thought that the Old
Testament was a thing of the past, and the New Testament our
sole way to salvation. Yet, after reading and proving Lessons
1 to 6 of your Bible Correspondence Course, I found myself
treading from the Old Testament to the New.
I hope that I am not too late in my growing old age to live by
the words of God, especially at this momentous time. Our
troubled world is beset by a multitude of problems, manifested
by the many signs of prophecies now occuring around us.
With prayer I hope for the continued success of your Ambassador
College Bible Correspondence Course to reach every home that is
open to the ways and knowledge of God. I thank you so much for
giving me the opportunity to take this course and in bringing me
nearer to God.
Eduardo P. Reyes (Manila, The Philippines)