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Students Express Gratitude for Ambassador College
The last time I wrote I was a part-time secretary going to a
community college. Today, thanks to God's great blessing, I am
attending Ambassador College and working on campus.
Every day I realize how blessed I am to be trained and taught how
to live life successfully through God's way of life. The campus is
beautiful and the people are exceptional. The atmosphere reflects
peace, harmony and love. I thank God for working through you (Mr.
Armstrong) to get this college back on track.
Linda Christian (Pasadena, CA)
I have just completed the first half of my first semester at God's
College and am thankful that I have the opportunity to "recapture
true values'' in such an environment. All the instructors, as well
as my fellow students, are warm and friendly. I can feel the
presence of God's Spirit everywhere on this beautiful, high quality
Stephen L. Baranaskas (Pasadena, CA)
Thank you so much for allowing God to use you to put the Church and
college back on the track. I am a student at Ambassador, just
having finished my first semester. I would not want to be anywhere
else. There are so many things to learn and do, and so many oppor­
tunities. I can't thank God enough for the Church, the ministers,
the college, the people and everything that goes with it. Keep up
the good work, Mr. Armstrong. We are all praying for you.
Scott Friesen (Pasadena, CA)
Mr. Armstrong, I want to tell you that God's College, which he has
built through you, is truly on track and teaching students the way
of life that will bring abundant well-being. When I applied for
Ambassador College, I had a lot of preconceived ideas of how good
it was. I'm happy to say, and give God thanks, that Ambassador
College has lived beyond my grand expectations.
It's truly a pleasure to learn about God and principles of living
that will benefit us greatly. Also beneficial are our other
opportunities, and learning how to apply ourselves diligently.
I feel motivated to use my talents as never before, and I know
true success is within my grasp.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for all you have done in getting God's
college to be the training ground for eternal happiness and well­
Bill Rogers (Pasadena, CA)
Working here at Ambassador College has been one of the greatest
blessings imaginable. To work with the students and see them grow
is such an inspiration. Thank you so very much for the opportunity
to serve you (Mr. Armstrong) and the living Jesus Christ. This is