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So many people don't know where they stand on the moral issues of
today. With your magazine as a guide, one can obtain a solid base
on which to stand.
The only thing I regret is that I didn't get a subscription to your
magazine a long time ago. I. hate to think of all the good and
enlightening news I've missed since you started your magazine.
Thank you for the magazines and I'll be waiting anxiously for the
next issue.
David Haderer (West Seneca, NY)
Your magazine is really unique and inspired, and it truly brings
out what is kept behind the scenes. I enjoy every page. The
photography and the articles combined really show the diverse ways
God works in other people's lives. I just wanted to say thank you
from both of us.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Keene (Ephrata, PA)
I want you to know how much I appreciate and enjoy reading The PLAIN
TRUTH magazine. It has helped me so very much with my Sunday school
class (ages 9 through 11). They really need the lesson broken down
so that they can understand it. I always find something in The PLAIN
TRUTH to help me. I am a senior citizen and don't have a lot, but
just want you to know that I appreciate your work.
Mrs. Sallie Long (Atlanta, GA)
I just want to write to tell you how much I have enjoyed your
magazine for about 30 years. I have never missed a single word
and consider this magazine my main source of world news. I am
a Catholic, but realize the difference and it doesn't bother me.
I would surely miss your magazine if I didn't get it.
Mrs. Frank Randolph (Belle Plaine, IA)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your
staff for a most wonderful and revealing magazine. I never
realized how important this magazine was in my everyday life.
The donation that I am sending is very small in comparison to
what I have received in information and enlightenment. I have
had many questions throughout my life and the PLAIN TRUTH has
answered a lot of them, as well as giving much needed advice on
food nutrients, healthy body exercises, facts on family life and
much, much more.
I will pray every day for you (Mr. Armstrong) that the PLAIN
TRUTH will continue to bring such revelations to each and every
one of us.
Mrs. Gloria Brown (Goffstown, NH)
Correspondence Course Appreciated Worldwide
I am grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to take your
Bible Correspondence Course.
You have been sending the lessons
to me for a while, but somehow I had other books to read and only