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Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
Thank you very much for including us
the seventh session of the
Ministerial Refreshing Program. The concentration of information
and standardization of policies and doctrine has been refreshing.
Thanks for all the help in unifying the ministry and the Church.
Steve and Terri Buchanan
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We in the Spanish ministry are very grateful to Mr. Armstrong for
the opportunity of attending the Ministerial Refreshing Program. My
wife and I greatly enjoyed the thorough and balanced programs pres­
ented. The thirty-five subjects covered the gamut of a minister's
responsibilities so we can "all speak the same things." It is quite
evident God is unifying the ministry worldwide through these classes.
All of us are very enthusiastic with the prospects of returning to
our respective areas and sharing the esprit de corps generated here
and the valuable spiritual principles gleaned from the classes.
Also, we return now strengthened and united so all the churches
worldwide can hold up firmly Mr. Armstrong's arms as God's great
commission is accomplished and we near the whirlpool of world events.
Thank you again as your children in the Lord.
Mario and Catalina Seiglie
Weekly Letter Comments
First this week, readers of The PLAIN TRUTH recognize that there is no
magazine like it. They find the articles edifying, inspiring and informa­
tive. Then, comments about the Correspondence Course from around the
world show how some are beginning to understand the Bible for the first
time in their lives. Finally, present students of Ambassador College and
recent graduates express heartfelt gratitude for their unique Ambassador
education and opportunities.
Plain Truth Highly Regarded
The PLAIN TRUTH is an outstanding magazine. I have no complaints
about it, only compliments. Your editorials or "Personals" are
very interesting to read. By your teachings I am inspired, educated
and enlightened. We all need to know more about Jesus Christ, to be
guided by his gospel �n our everyday lives.
My most grateful thank you for the "paid subscription." I do
appreciate this; however, I also want to make a small donation to
help a little and to show my support for the great Work you are
doing so well.
Edward Bogus (Chicago, IL)
Your magazine is an inspiration to all. It puts hope into a hope­
less,troubled world. It sheds light on controversial subjects and
quotes from the Bible regarding what God says about these subjects.