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As a result of this ad in trains, we have been the topic of a slanderous
press release by the Lutheran Church here, denouncing us as an "anti­
democratic" sect.
Even two Catholic newspapers have had front-page
derogatory articles about us, due to our ad in the train schedules.
Our incoming mail total for 1980 was 183 percent more than 1979 with some
86,968 pieces of mail coming in last year.
In 1980 we also printed some 41,000 booklets to meet the
increasing number of requests from the new subscribers.
Also 12,000
copies of Mr. Armstrong's book THE INCREDIBLE '-HJ�iAN POTENTIAL were
Thus far more than 3,000 copies have been sent out.
addition, we printed 30,000 revised
''US and BC in Prophecy" booklets
in December.
Our year-to-date mail income for 1980 was +20.1%.
ber turned out to be an all-time record month for income for the German
We also had a special offering from a member of OM 90,000
Overall, our total income is about 25% more than in 1979.
Canadian Report
The Work in Canada, income wise, was up against one of
the largest months on record in December 1979, but income for December
1980 was a 35.5% increase over last year, pushing the year-to-date and
end-of-calendar budget figure to a plus 24 over 1979.
Planned 1981 expenditures will place an even heavier emphasis on the
First Commission with 60% of the anticipated income going into media and
God has granted the Work in Canada a very solid base finan­
cially, and Canadians will be becoming much more aware of God's Church,
Work, and Mr. Armstrong in their midst in 1981.
The membership of the Church continues to carry the heavy load, contribut­
ing 81.6% of the income.
Co-workers add 14.9% and the remainder from
occasional donors and supporters.
This continues the trend of several
years now as the members shoulder an increasing portion of the Work's
The number of contributors remain about the same so God must be
blessing His people for us to be receiving increases of this type.
Church attendance topped 9,000 for the first time and the ministry
continues to be encouraged by the upsurge in new visit requests coming
People are becoming very aware of God's Church and its effort to
warn this sick world.
It's been a busy year for the office staff.
126,662 new PLAIN TRUTH
subscriptions and 27,799 new PURE VERITE subscriptions were handled.
enrollment in the Correspondence Course doubled in English and up 45% in
The file stats show 1,074 new co-workers, 319 baptisms and we've
tripled the PLAIN TRUTH file in libraries and doctor/dentist offices.
The PLAIN TRUTH mailing list now stands at 187,651, while the PURE VERITE
has grown to 46,970.
During the year we mailed out 750,000 pieces of
other literature as requested by the many, many people the Work is reach­
Our overall mail count stood at 477,412, up 138.8% over 1979.
office staff would love to see that topped in 1981!