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I listen to your program every day on CKO at 8:00 p.m. and I am
truly being helped through your messages. I would like to receive
more of your literature.
Mr. D. Jefferson (Ontario, Canada)
We catch your Sunday broadcasts on Radio KLAD in Klamath Falls,
Oregon. We live out in the wilderness area of southeastern Oregon
--a 30-mile round trip to Beatty, Oregon for mail, phone or groceries
and a 120-mile round trip to doctors and the month's groceries in
Klamath Falls. We hear you on a 12-volt set--that means we have
to charge up our batteries to hear you--and are very selective of
the programs we listen to.
So you can see that we value your program. Keep up the good work.
Trudy Hogg (Beatty, OR)
I have begun listening to your program on the radio and I am very
pleased at what I hear. I truly hope for all mankind's sake that
what you say is true. I, myself, believed much of what you tell
even before I had started listening to your program. I have been
brought to Christ through my crimes against society and have just
started four years of imprisonment. It's very difficult being a
Christian in a penitentiary and I am totally disheartened at what
I see and hear each day. But this only serves to strengthen my
faith in God. Oh how glorious it is. I can only pray that I can
keep my head high while being persecuted each day that passes. I
would appreciate it very much if you could supply me with as much
literature as possible. Thank you very much and may God bless you
and all the people who work for you.
K.F. (Alberta, Canada)
It is a blessing to me just to be able to hear you over the radio
each morning. In only a two-month period since I first heard your
morning programs, my life has been changed. My family and I are
better able to cope with life's problems, set new goals, have a
better understanding with each other, and above all serve our
Father in heaven as He wants us to.
Donald Huscher (Belwood, IL)
The wheels of progress turn slowly at times, but we want to assure you
that progress is being made. We apologize for leaving some questions un­
answered and would like to address some of them here.
Pastor's Manual
The Pastor's Manual for Y.O.U. is currently being revised. It is shaping
up nicely and should be a very big help to you in carrying out Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's instructions regarding Y.O.U. A lot of work has
gone into this rewrite and of course the whole manual will be submitted
(Continued on Page 11)