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Page 10
The Attorney General
Kept HisWord.
NowIWill Keep Mine.
and Gen­
eral Counsel for the
Worldwide Church of God.
Last September, while my
church was locked in battle
with the Attorney General of
the State of California over
the que;;tion of whether or
not the State had the right to
investigate our work and our
use of our money.
made a
public statement.
Becau,e it had been in,inuated
that I wa, leading the battle to pro­
tect our Church becau,e, at lea,t in
part. l wa, personally ambitious
and might even have visions of ,uc­
ceeding our Church\ Founder and
Pa,cor General Herbert W.
strong, I found it nece"ary to spell
out my thinking and my intention,.
Thi\ i!!I \lo hat I ')aid I hen, in a pre�..,
relea!!le and ln an advert\..,ement ,imi\ar
to th1!') one
··\,iany member\ of the pre�.., ha\C
a:-.kedme "ho will lead the Church when
Mr. Arm:-.1rongl:-. gone. ..\.nd many time�.
kno\4 '. they a:-.L belie\'ing they know
the amwer They think I v.dl succeed
Mr. Arrnslrong or. at lea..,t. that I hope
to. lhey are wrong. ( at..,o that
1h<:"re are many rnember\i of uur Church
1,1,ho think of me 3:!lo a po..,..,ible !')UCCC\1,or
to our Pa ...tor General. I am touched by
their l,ne and by their fai1h in me. Bu-
the\· aho are " ' rong. I do nol con...1der il
e1,e� remote/� p0.\!!1ble 1hat I v.1l/ \UC­
. . :eed "-1r. Arm...trong I am not worthy I
:.1.m not �ualified 10 ".:ierve Chri�t in that
\),av l d0 not belie\e it n, mv callinQ:_
;.., not my de..,,re -\�d
hehe1,·e it i, God', '-"di
"However. I kno\lr' that m� \eadenihip
role in the ,1ruggle again...t the Attorney
General ha\ created a public pre,ence
that apparently lead\ -some pen , on, to
�ue�tion my \inceriry. A, a re!iult, my
e\ become \U:-.pect a... I i:ontmue to
defend our Church\ \.\'nrk \-1uch l)f
v.hat I \r� lo do hCL)\ored b� tha.1-.
. .u,pi­
c1on. fhere ;ire (ho..,e "ho belie\e I am
,elt-,erv1ng or per,onall .
\ amhitinu . . .. But
they are \Hong [ ' he only thing I v.ant for
rn:-,.�ei(i� a re(urn to a more pr1\ate life f
continue the fight hecau...e I beline it t\ a
gooct fight With all mv heart and .,oul I
helie\e in the rightne!'!� uf our cau,e
"'\'-'hen the lal-'-.
.,Ull\ again.,, u... an: "'rn
and our Church i� free from attack. I "ill
re. . ,1gn my offic1aI Churi.:h po,ltion. I "di
return to the pri\ate practice ol law and,
preferably_ will Je\ · ore the n: .... r rn_\ �ork­
ing life tL) publtc ,en· ice"
J closed h _
\ promi,ing ne\er to ...ur­
render in our flght and ne\er to lea\e our
fhat j.., v.hal \ -.aid la- . .t September and
that;.., Y.hat I meant. [n Onnher. lJur
fight v.a, \\-on Go\ernor Jerr� Brnv.n
..,tgned in10 lav. Senate 8111 �o 1493.
prrniding that the >\ttorne� (Jenera!
:-.halt ha\e no po\\er..
that he a... )erted �n
the litiga11on agJin"t the World1,1,1Je
Church of God
-\ttlHney General Georg.e Deukme _
had ,aid he would a'.'lk di...m1..,a1 nf the
law\uit... again..t u, 1f 'iR l4'B became
law. He kept hi.., word . The -.utt" v.ere
di.,n,i..,..,ed. on hi\ reque-.r. October IS
l"herefore. it,, 1ime for me to kee-
p m _
I ha\e re�igned my ro\it1on a:-. frea,­
urer and a member of 1he Roard nf the
Wor-Jd1,,1,1dc Church of God. _
\-f\ re,igna­
tlon 1� effect1\e Jul:-,. l. 1981. I dated m\
notice of re...ignation January), 19�1, a..
a kind of ...ymh()t. It wa-. on Januan J.
197Q, e,o;.ac1ly rn-o year... ago . that t)Ur
Church wa'> fir!->t a.,..,aulted b\ the officer'>
of the Attorney General
I v.lll con1inue ti) ..,enc J\ Fxe(Utl\e
\ '
lce-Pre,1dent of the . \mha..,,adnr h1un­
dation. "h1ch carrie, on tht' nLln-,eL·ta�1.1n
\.\nrk n( \he Church l J.h,t), a, ,H\,r­
nn. "ill conrrnue !L1 dtft'nd tht" rnlere_
i)f �,ur Church v. or!dv. Jnd t v. di con­
tinue a., a per..,onal a,-,.1-.tantto \1r Herh­
err V.· :\rm...trnng
I hope thi, ,taternent v.111 �ene tv.o
I h,)pe it v.ill end f1He\er an�
,pe..:ulation ah(1ut the po,,1hilit� nf m�
-.u(ceeding \1r. \rm'1rnng a... head of
our Chur.:h Thatwilt ne1.erhapren · \,
ha\e "!oa1d hefore. I do ni)l expect any­
) ...
ucceed .\fr_
,\rm,tn)ng. The Ln­
tng (jod ha� entru,ted \1r _.\rm..,trnng
with a (Jreat C,immi..
,,ion and Ci,)d ha,
ne\'er taken a man hefore hi.., "-Ork \o\-3..,
done I do nl)t h)ok ftH or exped another
PJ.-.tor C,eneral. l ' nder no c1rcum..,tance...
v.1ll I t\'Cr he Pa..tor Cieneral ot our
Church I do nut kno\o\- ho" to put th,:11
more l'Jearl)
\e(ondh. I hl)pe 1hi, ..,tatement finally
u.11! L'itar I he \.I. on for m:,.
. rcturn t•J a more
pri\ate life, J rno\e I ha\c de".'.i1red fl)f
more than l"o year,. lht1..,e v.ho kno�
me \J,,11\ r�member thJ.t l re....l�ned m,
ntfic1al p,h1tinn... nni:t hefore. l ,ta�cd
on onl� became nf the battle that needed
tn he fought '\,iv. that the t\t!hl 1, \.\.nn. I
.im !oo�tng for"'ard to the 1rani.Julllty L)f
a prr\ate lite rhar mr f°Jmr/\ J.nd
m1..,...ed . ,.n ..,\1rel\dur:ngthe p.1,t t"l)\ear,
I h : Ht leJrned much during the Ja..
tv. n \ear, I ha �e learnt"d mui . :h ahnut the
realit\ nf lJv. a" tt l'.> rra-:t1(ed tn !he
1.·nit�d State....
l kno" more than I once
did about the need w remain \tgtlant 1n
protection of ciur ha,1c rt�hh
r oo. I hJ\e learned much ahlJUt 1he
..,truggle nf minority group" to ach1e\e
I "ill n,)I forget v.hat I ha\e learned
What \ J...,k Cn�d !or n1�v. l') the ..,Hengt'n
anJ "i,dnm to u...e "'hat! ha1.e le:irned in
"-3:,0.\ that \.\.lll ...enc Him °"ell
fL �
/cN�I .
Sl-\',l E-� R. R,DfR.
rhe Worldwide Church of God