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pound four point on opening day in an area where I'd never been
It �ook a member and me another day to pack it out.
Although I had seen a bear in the area earlier, the meat was un­
touched as it sat overnight. Then, as if that wasn't enough, I
shot a deer the very next day I was hunting.
Jim & Shirley Steers (Kalispell, MT)
This is my third tithe year. After paying third tithe from my
small paycheck, God has blessed me with a good job with more than
twice the pay of my old job and terrific benefits. God has blessed
me in many other ways also.
Mrs. G. Gillis (Hialeah, FL)
God has blessed me very much during my first third tithe year now
just past.
First of all, I was able to attend Ambassador College
for two semesters. Secondly, God blessed me with a wife--a girl
I've known and respected for years and who is from my home church
area. We will continue t� give as we are able and as God gives the
Lloyd W. Koppes (Ashland, OH)
This is my third tithe year and I just got a pay raise this week!
I'm continually amazed at how impossible it seems to "make ends
meet." Most of our finances just don't work out on paper, but God
always comes through for us in reality.
James Yowell (Shenandoah, VA)
We feel we had better hurry and send in our tithe check for another
week. We just cannot keep up with God's blessings. They are
literally overwhelming us. This is our third tithe year and the
excitement of it takes our breath away! We have had things that
we've needed for some time, but kept putting them off until we could
pay for them outright. We felt especially this year we would have
to wait. However, you guessed it, God has made it possible for us
to acquire them! Our needs are being taken care of this year more
than any previous year.
It is truly a Great God that makes and
keeps His promises. We are so thankful to be able to obey Him.
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Wunder (Howard, SD)
Radio Broadcast Appreciated
I never miss your nightly programs and very much enjoy your Sunday
evening television sermon. The airwaves are crackling with the
pronouncements of many evangelical preachers, but I ponder about
the many hidden things you extract from the pages of the Bible and
wonder at the newness of your message. It is exhilarating, stimulat­
ing, and invigorating, and it creates a feeling of growth and expan­
sion--a reaching out into the infinite spaces of the universe. It's
a message that shouts--surely, everyone in the world must be listen­
Mrs. Fredericks (Oak Ridge, NJ)