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I went to the Feast this year in Eugene, Oregon.
It was really
I saw you live twice and in a movie the first night. We
had lots of things to do there.
I sang in a choir for which Mom
bought me a new dress and a hair comb with a white flower on it.
At the Feast we went roller skating, square dancing, shopping and
to lots of neat restaurants. It makes you look forward to the new
The best thing I liked at the Feast were all the sermons.
They had lots of neat information about God's world.
I hope you
enjoyed your Feast in Tucson as much as we did ours in Eugene.
Heather Stevens (Fort Bidwell, CA)
Here is my tithe.
I am six.
I will have more to send you.
I am happy to send my tithe in.
I love God.
Jason Martin (Churubusco, IN)
As a teenager in God's Church, I realize fully that this is God's
true Church.
It is very hard to obey with all the teen pressure
from the world, but I am trying and I know that is what God wants.
I just think you [Mr. Armstrong] are doing a great job and I pray
for your strength to keep going! I love you because you are
devoting your life to God and are helping us a lot. Keep up the
good work and may God bless you.
Shaun Dixon (Chestertown, MD)
Hello! Before composing this letter, I talked with our local
minister. We discussed repentance. He pointed out some very
important things that I should do at my age--sixteen--such as
keeping all of God's laws and setting an example. With further
maturing, I can be baptized.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for giving freely the truth in God's
It is apparent just whom God is using to lead His Church.
I am proud to be a co-worker. God willing, one day He will place
me in that Church as a member.
Joel Drouet (Monroe, LAi
Third Tithe Year Full of Blessings
I've just finished a third tithe year and if some don't think that
God's law works, they haven't tried it. I'm alone raising four
children and many would think you just couldn't afford another tithe
at all, but I received more material things in that year than I would
have been able to buy with the money I sent in. And, on top of that,·
for the Feast I received one of the best motels in St. Petersburg
for half price. We had a wonderful Feast and beautiful surroundings
--all because of God's blessings.
Mrs. Sharon Shaw (Auburndale, FL)
This is our first third tithe year and the blessings have already
started pouring in. We were a little worried about making it
financially this year, with paying off school bills and such.
ever, I went elk hunting for the first time, and shot a 400-500