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May God be with you as you continue His great Work. We in the Prince
George, British Columbia congregation pray for you daily and arc 100�
behind you.
Glen and Connie Weber
Dear "'.'1r. Suspenders" (Joe Tkc1:_:h):
No disrespect intended!!
I call you that (only to you) for two
reasons. The first is obvious to anyone who has seen you with your
coat off. The other reason is because of what suspenders do. They
suspend or hold up.
Never in my 7 1/2 years in the ministry have we as ministers been
supported more from Pasadena. It was inspiring to know that as
long as we do our job, you will be there supporting us. Also it
was refreshing to see the way you and the other instructors
supported or held up Mr. Armstrong's hands.
It was a privilege to get to know you, Mr. Blackwell and the
others,on a personal level. It really helps to know who we are
working for under Jesus Christ. Especially for those of us from
international areas, where you were Just a name in the Pastor
General's Report.
I feel all the ministers on the sixth Refreshing Program should
adopt Bob Hope's theme song, "Thanks For The Memories."
Glen and Connie Weber
Weekly Letter Comments
This week's comments feature letters to Mr. Armstrong from children and
youth. The young people look back on their feast experiences and share
their feelings about God's Church and His Way of life. Also, comments
from brethren show they are excited over their third tithe blessings as
they see the promise of Malachi 3:10 fulfilled before their eyes. Finally,
listeners say they value Mr. Armstrong's radio broadcasts and find the
messages both inspiring and helpful.
Letters From Children and Youth
I am attending the Worldwide Church of God in Canton, Ohio. I
am 10 1/2 years old. This year I attended the feast site in
Tucson, Arizona. We stayed at the Sheraton Hotel. I had fun.
It was the first time I saw you in person. Also, it was my first
time in Arizona. It was so hot there, but cold here in Ohio. It
has snowed three inches already.
I wish I was still there in
Arizona. The best thing I liked was attending services. The
worst thing was my homework that I had to take with me. On the
first two days it was raining, but the rest was great.
Mike Ciconte (Canton, OH)
I am nine years old.
I would like to start tithing now.
been working with my dad this summer doing tree work. This is
my first tithe of the money I earned. I hope this money will
help you complete our Work.
Matthew Eric Oakleaf (Topeka, KS)