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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, 0anuary 9, 1981
Page 5
The wisdom of the matter really boils down to the same principle as it
does for becoming surety for somebody else's debt. And that wisdom is,
simply stated, never do it unless you are in such a solid financial
condition that you could actually afford to give the money away. The
reason is, this is exactly what you will have done if the person doesn't
pay you back.
Spokesman Club Manuals Delayed
Because of an extra heavy workload in the printing area,
Spokesman Club manuals will be delayed until mid-March.
will be retained and filled as soon as they come off the
very sorry for the added delay.
International News
reprinting of the
Orders for manuals
press. We are
News From Dutch-speaking Area On December 26th the Dutch brethren had the
opportunity to hear Mr. Gerald Waterhouse in a combined Bible Study. The
majority had never heard Mr. Waterhouse speak before. It was for all an
unforgettable, inspiring experience to listen for 3 1/2 hours to Mr. Water­
house and hear him explain the way God is doing this Work and preparing the
way for the return of Jesus Christ through His chosen apostle, Mr. Herbert
W. Armstrong. Simultaneous translation was provided from English into the
Dutch language.
Mr. Waterhouse changed his itinerary in order to be in Holland while Mr.
and Mrs. Bram de Bree are still there. They are leaving for Pasadena on
January 6th to attend the Ministerial Refreshing Programme till the end of
In the month of December the Dutch language editions of Mr. Herbert Arm­
strong's book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, was offered to readers of
the ECHTE WAARHEID (Dutch edition of The PLAIN TRUTH). Over 2400 requests
have come in already.
Income for 1980 shows a 25.9% increase over the previous year. And church
attendance increased 7.3% while the membership increased 11.6%.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for the
privilege of attending the sixth Refreshing Program. God certainly
inspired you to design a course that will be of benefit to the
entire ministry and church. It is encouraging to be properly
equipped to teach the Word as you have handed it down.
It was inspiring to see the unity of the administration. Also, the
faculty and students had a totally different attitude than when we
were down for conferences in the past. We felt much like the Queen
of Sheba when she went to see Solomon. We had heard and read of the
unity of Pasadena but we ''had not heard the half of it!"