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AVoice Cries Out:
Has Passed
Prime Minister Sato, in 1970,
warned me against an industrial
war between our countries!
automobile pro­
duction now outstrips
that of the United States!
Who would have believed.
even 10 short years ago, that
could ever happen� And not
unly .Japan. hut (;erman. French.
�wedish rnotorrar imports ha\'P
seriously threatened the American
automohile industr\.
And that · , n,,r ,111 ' \'l,-ha1 1-. r · ..n·111:n (·..mpt>!I
u"n 1n t -
lt>, tri>nH .... «lmt r;.h l'o:H, ht-,. m,111,
i>l'lt>r 1mpe1r1, <1 ..1n11: '" thl:
' ! · ni1t·d c"o•,111·� ,,,·,,n,,
nn. H, ,:,,n no1h11lj,!'. "j Ol'FC ,.i[ ' '
\\"p i:n· ,,u, to ,hp,m, ··l'le;1...;e t-,U1hl1,h ,,,,,,r
plan, ... 1n Amer1('i1 ,ind ht>lp (lllf un1·mpl,,\m,,n1
pri>hle-m"' hut "t crnlr"'f' tht\ dur1 · 1·
H-H\"· Thne had I" hf' d ( ,i·,r f.,r t · :-­
,1nrmpln\mf'nt. rapid 1nllat1nn. 1hP ,,,herinli(
1·1 !tu- I'� h111:h ,tandard ,,1 l1\1n11: 1,:, ,rc1r11n1;:
!hf' rl,,v,·nwHrd pluni,te'
r , .,r .,,,mp littlt> tim<!> c1r1n \\ ' "rid \\'
1r II "'"
f-rnd tht> h1thP,1 livu1i,1 -.t,rndard e\f'r t'nJ"�·p(1 b\­
. ln\ p.P"ple sc1n(f' mankind inhah11. -
, d rhi-. f'arth'
!'ht' l n1ted :-itales and Hrirain. L ip'" .rnd ahn
the hr"t \\ - ,,rld 'w\'ar f.1<1,..t-,,t>d m,,r.- than lwi,
th,rd.. dlm"..;,t thrt>e t · ..urth�- nf ,111 tht' 1 111!1
\'3tf'd rest>llrl'e, ctnd "'·ealth ,,f !hf' t>arth' . -
..ther nai1,,ns. l ·
nmhinf'd, le-"'"' than ,l 1h1rd'
�t H) " ' HriL1in h11aste-d tha, the ...un ne\er se-t "n her
empire �hf' w11s (;fn:.n Hritatn' '.'.ut an\ m<>re
Hn empire 1s i,:llne' Her sun has. '-f'II .-
\nd n""'
the l:ruled Statt>s 1,; ,.,n.RTTN(; cm._.,._ , There had.
,1f llf"( ' ess1tv. '" he a cu -.'.E
In \t.J".'ll. 1n T.,k\·o, l'r1me- \11n1..ter E1sdku
:--.itn said lo mf' "'Thank,; tu thl' t nitrd �tates.
the lapanPse oi>ron1>m_\ 1s r1..,1n)l'. -.harpl\ He\·au,p
\'nu n.,11, - prott>cl 11s Wf' don"t ha\f · '" '(H'nd
multiple h1llions fi,r arme-d defen'-P Hut I ha\'P
to v.arn ,.·nu I apprnat·hini;::: thP danji!er ul c1n
t'<"Pni,m1c and mdustrial "'ar hetwe-en ,,ur tw"
,·111 mtr1es
\.\'e mu�! do e�·ervth1nl( po,;.:.1hle '"
pre\'ent that, for it m11(ht he more tt>rrihle than a
md11arv "'"ar'"
\1r :--at,, didn' t l1voi> tu .:.oi>e ,;.uch a ('dla�trnphe
<,met, , pas� Hut I had �f'veral cnnferf'nrf'� "'11h
him ()rwe. in hi,; hHme aftf'r retiring frnm ,,th
he �aid ·· Ja.pctnese pr,iductJ<>n and (,ur ecnn<,m,·
haH• dunf' Hr\ .,..ell. hut the prospt>r1tv has ""'
\·et tillered d"v . n tu our m11s,;es ··
T,jda\. however. thr .Japane-.e arr he-
t" lead the wurld as tuuri..tfi and world lravPler<\
Their prosperity has mushroomed. 01 Rs 1s �ow
O\ER rH..: HILL alNO STARTIN(; 00\lo"
N · /O.\t'
On .January 0, 1914. I was sent to Detroit hv a
national magazine. larl(e<1I 1n the trade held, tn
interview Henrv Ford on his ne11o. then <\f'nsa
tionel $.i-iwr-dav wage honst Ford had JUS.I
HHO<HII \\ .- \1n1,.f1,t11...t.
,t .irt,·d ;1-
.-.,•ml1l1; l!11;, m.-
1�� ma, hint' pr,,rJq, 11,,n
It i.n·.HI, ,J . W,.dt'd up µr,..:l,H 11..n, and li,wf'n•d
1,r,,rl,i, r:,,n 1,,-.1-.
Hut ,,,,,n n,,t ,,nh ·,1ht' r m,,(,,nar make-r . .... hut
I -._ 1q,J
1-.1r\ .n i.:1·1u·r,1I i.:, ,1 ,,r1t<1 th< ' ,i-.-.pmhh
ltne m..i.... rn,1<"h1ne pr, ...!11, ti,,n f,,r the- mc1-.�
mHkt '
! \rnt>r1, -i pr"' 1dt·d
l.ah,,r \11,.IT'- t'll"'lt'd 1 1111,n 'ol..!lt•.., i'",·aL1tt'd
Thi-; hrnlll!:hr t. . dw I 111\f'd ....;!i,te, The h1i.h, 0 ,t
�wr < .qnt
1 irH"mt' ctnJ hiia:hf",1 11\ini. ,tdndard
f'\f'r f'nl"'"rl h1, ,ITH µt'uµle "n Panh '
111 i :IT;d 11- h..n I hl<1hli-.hed ,m.,thn !itwral Jrb
,- .,llt'!!f' 111 P.r1Llln. tlw a\Pr;uu• FnKh,;;I, w;1i,te .,
,,nf' ih1rd ,.t l!w l n.t..d ....;l,ltf'" ;md the .lapane"e­
,,nh ,•nf' r,,11rth ' H, 1hf'n tht ' FFC 1l".,mm11n
\1.1rk1ct• h;id pr,,,1J1cd <1 m,h� markf't f,,r Eur,,
pe<1n .1�..f'mhl1,·-hnt' pr,,ducti,,n
B,11 - . ,,pn•rh1n� .. 1�e hc1d b.appf'nPrl w..rkl
\\ ' .tr 11' l ' r:,ir \,• \\-,rid \\.H II (;ptrr,;ir, produ,
11,·n l,. . -l,•mr- thf' m,,.,I .. r-tH i<"nt 1n tht" w,,rld
H1tlt'r h.ul �,-
Id Ct>rman� ..n he-int,:: ThP ·\ldqN
Ha,·P \\.nt1mt' h, -mh1ni,1 prt>!t \ ">1.t'II ,:jp.qr,lved
Fur"pean ind i-...1r1,i'. planh and m;Hh1nf'r\·
Hin tht> \\.H lht'\ li,"'d 11". ,h,1, k�. tenls
rt-hui!din� ihe, r 1nd1htn (';1me r'
H"'I Their
pt>,,plt' ,a, ·r1r:,·t>d t,,r crn1n!n
Fur,,pf' ,ind . l ,1p<1n t'mf'fl!:f'd "'·11h nr,... im
pr,,,t'd 111d1J-.tr1;il rq111µmt'11l 11?> , ,fl ,u..., ctbf
1.�HOR' In lqi-:- I -.ay,, ( ;NrnJn ,..., ,rkmen �""inji!ini,::
1he1r lun, hh.,�e-. ,...11lkir11!: t,) \\ork <1\ i.:to am. .
\",)del1n� ,·r sc1n�1ni.: at thf' '"P u f their lunK"'
p,...,t, .lc1p,1nt>st' <tutu w,,rkn� w,,rkt>d 01.·l'r
time '>'-tlh"ut p.t1\ ' "f,,r thf'ir ,·cHrntrv , . That"s
wh1; t · � ;1,hPrt1�ini,: agenue,; JSf' thf' �lol{Rn r..r
the-tr ,Jflp8nf''f' ,rnto 1·lif'nt. "''w\f: AR� [)RJVf.N''"
1· S ...,,rkers we-re -w,,rk1ni,i fur �ELF -mure
pav. ,hurtf'r h"ur-.. m<>re ht>netils \1t>anwh11e.
t · � 1nduHm1l ma,·hinen· ""as not ht>ini,: re
pla,..d "''1th mnrl' mtKiPTn models �either rapt
tal managemf'nl nnr wnrkers were willing to
··�an1hee fur njuntn · · rlu away w11h old plants
and eq11ipment whdf' rehu,ldinit from the
j,!'rotind up ....-11h the nP"' and ,mprr,\e-d
\1eanwh1lr. f,lllow1nl{ FHH ' s · �e.... flpal." the
1 · n1ted Stalf''- )l'.<jvernmrnt " ""ent ,,n la,,..h ··ptJh
lit· we-lfare"" pr,ll(rammtng American penple
wanted to ··1.f.T" frr,m ,:11,f'rnmf'nl :1nd pol1t1
nan, 1,1,antf ' d to "1,fT .. \<>lf'S (�
wernmf'nl 11, · as'nd1nJ( mu1h m1,r1' than 11 t,�,k in H,,w ·
• H,·
pr1nttllf( mc,re and m"rf' motH'\ fh1.., t',.;ralatl'd
I ',fl.II rto,' The l · ,..; d,,Jlar 1,1,as takini,: a r>f'atI nl(
1n t '
, )tf'112:n 1·,,untr1r�. Fo>rt'i
n trarlt> Jt>tints rust'
T\,da\· th1" r11untr, 1� in dire trouh!P (ar
m, ,r,. -.er1,,u, than ,...e realize \1.1tn..11ie and
Limtlv hit> thP foundat1nn ,,f 8 ,table 1rnd
N1dur1n1o: -.,,..·1et\, is hrf'ak1nf( d,,wn \1,,rnJs in
\ht- re,sp,�,I ('rime r-�calatina- \\ " t' ' rt> in a ....- ,,rid
'1 tr"11blt>� 11... 11:ri1nnmt>nt ... ,an ' t ,a.lit>. n•1·tir
rini,:: 11,· H ,. ;, i.:"\ernm<"n\s <>\f'rthr..wn alm,,...t ,,nf' a
rn,,n,h 11,pap,,ns ,,f m;is-. ,1f'...truct1,111 that ,an
..ra- . . f' human llif' /n,m the e-arth
ttH\"' lllll ' tr,,uhlt>'i arr �pir1tual ,n nalllre.
j,(i,\erned bv a baste ,ptritual 1 ,11,· It 1,; the wa,
"I Ide I '-1mpld\ h .� the ....-..rd " "(,t
\!:.. ,nittin11,1nic
the 11,,H' or UfE r,f n..,pentwn. 'lt'r\"lnl{.
ht>lp1ni:-:. �hann1< We d"n · • ht'llt'\"
l' 11, hut it"" as
1r.e1C"rahle as relrntll'"s fl!'i the la"'· , . f fi!tlll.'lt\"
11\ ihf' 11,11� ,,) poi>ace. happ1ne�s. c,,n!entmenl .
JU\' ' LIOl\ " f(<\81 ....ell lwm1<
ik It. and rt hrPak� 1111' We hrt'ak it h, 1iur
·1 . �·T·· -...a\· of life the wa, ,,f \·an1tv. r11\·e-tm11:.
t'll\\ and walnus,. cnmpf'l1!tun c1nd <.tnft' with
,1,ilent'f' and war,;;. rt><;f'ntme-nt of aq\hor11.. -
lt""' nn maudlin. o;e-nt1mrntal ,,r 1mpnctical
rt>!q,:111us idealism. hut the nild hard F-VT that
,!ares u,;. all 1n the fa< ' t' nuw with ldt'-11.nd.
death , · nnsequences' ()ur prohlems IHP ,.;ptrttual
10 narure. and we \·e lo�l all ,.;ensf' of thf' TR! " I!
,·,u rs'
We need dP-.pnatel\ ' to fHll . ..<;E -hut we ha\"e
jlnne past thf' law of dimm1<\h1njit rPturns pa,;.t
human ahd1t\ tn s,,h-f' ,our ltfe and-death e\·1ls
I '
h1s. n>ice cries nut ernphat1call\' lhat no"w,
that unsre-n "Str<,ni,:: Hand lrom :-:.omf'pla,·e. . is
1h1111t to mter\'ene d\namicalh· , he-fore "'HN
,.rnn1hilates mankind from the earth. and -a.ave a
m1"i,:llldrd human,t:,-· fr.,m 1t,;.t>lr Yuur hf'lie\·in,it
that makes no d1tferencoi> it " 'I as cERTallS a" the
r1s1ni,: c1nd st>tt1nfi! ,,f tomi,rrow"s �un'
FH•n our ._c, ,'ailed human nature i<\ i,:oinl( to
ht' 1hani;:ed' The world 1s. l(OLOI( to ht> 1·hanjited
fr,)m the " "LET" prm('Jplt- uf life to the ··c1\"E"
And the t;ooD "IEV.S 1s. a new world of Pf:11cl!.
e,1n1entmf'nt. happiness. univer,.,al
and Mhatinn for all i� Just around thf' corner�
o-n:R a mis!l'u1ded mankind first brtnl(s lt:.elf to
the tinal ji!rand smash dimax of world trouble
and101h• �V
Pastor r;ent-ral
Wnrldwide Church or God
Tho!-e who care for ti ma, ha�·e. grall!'>, with nu tullo.... up, Mr Armstronji! ' 'I booklet
Thf' Sf't'f'n Lau -� 1! ( Su.n-f-'H The natwn·s top executil.'l''I have follow�d the first 'III
Al<.n. nn re,que-st. n,l "u�cr1ption prire. thl' full-color maHcirculationmagazine of
l NDER!lrANDING, Th.- l'larn, brtnKinJl: vou tht> meaning behind world new!I.
Addre-'l.s Herht'rt W Armstrnnit. Pa'ladena. Calif, 9112�, LH call toll free 1800)
421-4444 In California call collect t2111 577-.1225
Page 5