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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 4
• J
Two Ministers' Sons Need Your Pr�ycrs
The eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ell:i,J,_LaRavia has been in the hospital with
severe pain from an accident that occurred Sunday, December 7. Glen, who
is 18, was thrown from a pick-up truck near the campus.
He incurred many
abrasions on his body but the greatest concern, and the cause of a great
deal of pain which comes and goes, is a brain contusion (bruised brain).
Your prayers and those of the brethren would be deeply appreciated by Glen
and his family.
Also, the Jim Chapman family reports that their son Wayne is still in a
Nevertheless, he had been improving slowly until this week when he
experienced a temporary setback. He is back in the intensive care unit,
buL nas squeezed a parent's hand and opened his eyes momentarily. Your
continued prayers for Wayne and his family are also deeply appreciated.
Expense Allotment Year-end Review
Now is the time to review your expense allotment. When your allotment
check is mailed it is sent in advance of projected expenses. At the end
of the year, the total of all allotment checks will be added to your W-2
form as income.
Unless you can sufficiently justify to the IRS the business expenses that
match the expense allotments sent you, you will end up having to pay the
tax on it. In order to prevent this from happening you may want to review
the record-keeping requirements of the IRS and make sure that you have the
proper receipts and documentation.
The allotment check is only to be used for church business expenses.
you have received more expense money than you actually spent, you should
return the excess to the Church. We will need to receive the check no
later than the middle of December in order to credit the amount to your
W-2 statement. If we don't have it by then we can't be sure the necessary
processing will get done. What this means is that you will need to approx­
imate the balance of expenses in the rest of the year.
If you find that your allotment has exceeded your expense by very much,
you may want to consider reducing the allotment.
If you want to do this,
please include a note to that effect with the check when you send it.
Anyone who needs an increase in his allotment should send a memo to Mjnis­
terial Services explaining the needed change. These requests are reviewed
and evaluated both by Ministerial Services and the Regional Assistants.
International News
French Report A very good response was given to a fair booth set up by
the Paris Church in Le Salon de l'Enfance, a fair held each year in Paris.
Over 770 people askea-for a subscription to La Pure Verite.
Not only were
these people reached, but many thousands of people stopped and asked ques­
tions about the informative publications which--surprisingly to them--were
It's possible that in the future more may come from this publicity.
The booth constructed by the brethren will most likely be used again at
other fairs. The members of the Paris Church also were very encouraged
(Continued on Page 6)