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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 12, 1980
Page 6
by their experience in working together on the booth and in having di­
rect contact with the public and, in this way, helping the Gospel to be
Growth in French Canada: Mr. Bob Scott writes from Quebec City that there
has been a gigantic influx of new people in the area. In the last month
and a half, 26 brand-new people (16 adults and 10 children) showed up at
least once at services. About half of them seem very interested in the
Mr. Picard, our minister in Montreal South, writes in his October report
that since the Feast, the Church hasn't stopped growing in membership.
Four new families, of which eight are adults and six children, attend
services regularly now. Several other people have shown interest as well
in attending regular Sabbath services.
News from Haiti:
In his last letter dated November 8, 1980 Mr. Lionel
Estinvil wrote us:
"Since my return, Mr. Jove and I have made many
visits. Besides the nine visits I have already arranged for next week,
we received this week 15 letters, among which there are 10 PV requests,
8 literature requests, 3 requests for visits and two requests for the
Correspondence Course. What's more, we also received (orally) 12 more PV
requests and one request for the Bible Course. There are three or four
pP.ople who are ready for baptism.... "
On October 17, Mr. Lionel Estinvil was officially given the right of
American citizer.ship. '!'�is wi_ll gr�atl:'/ f2,...;
+-::i+-e his travel hetwee:1
the United States and Haiti. We are happy to welcome a new American
among us!
News from Guadeloupe: Mr. Dubois, in his letter of November 17 addressed to
Mr. Apartian, gives us the following news:
"Here, as far as the political
atmosphere of the country is concerned, the situation is not calm at all.
There is an extremist group which demands separation from France. Tonight
three bombs exploded in three different areas: one in a bank, another in
front of a police station, and the third in the gardens of a large hotel
in St. Francois. Because of the late hour at whici1 these bombs exploded,
there were no victims. The attempts are meant most of all to create a
feeling of insecurity in the country. About two months ago, there was a
series of attempts of this kind. But this time a person was killed, a
young French soldier who had tried to dismantle one of these bombs. Soon
the calmness and the serenity of living in the French Antilles will be
a thing of the past...."
Mr. Bernard Hongerloot transferred to Pasadena: The decision has been
made to transfer Mr. Hongerloot to Pasadena so he can assist Mr. Apartian
in his many responsibilities in the French area of the Work. In the mean­
time, as the Hongerloots are expecting a new baby at the beginning of
January, their transfer will not occur until towards mid-January.
Income up:
a year ago.
The offerings at the Feast this year increased 11% over those
In October, the revenue in France showed an increase of 21%.