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About an hour ago I started to read HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE. I
found a sentence which swiftly char.ged my mind.
"All those events
which occurred to those men in the distant past happened, and are
written and preserved for us to read, so that we would profit from
reading their examples in the last day of mankind before the inter­
vention of Jesus Christ."
What I am trying to say is that the Bible, in all logic, WAS written
for the benefit of mankind. And I have now decided to spend the
time and really try to understand the Bible.
A.N. (Corindi Beach, Australia)
Recently I had the opportunity to read your booklet ALL ABOUT WATER
BAPTISM and found it extremely informative and helpful. I shared
it with a few of my friends and they too were greatly enthused and
challenged by its contents. Since then many more of my friends have
requested to read it, and my one solitary copy is not enough! So
could you please mail me at least five copies of the booklet. I
know this seems a lot, but I can guarantee they will be thoroughly
read. Thank you.
G.P. (Mosgiel, New Zealand)
Reader's Recognize God's Truth
We are glad to get your literature and PLAIN TRUTH magazine. We
believe you are teaching the Truth as the Bible has it. It seems
not too many people want to believe what the Bible says and as God
has caused it to be written. We try to prove all things according
to what is written in the Bible. Thank God for teachers like you.
Mr. Robert Stickleman (Greenfield, IN)
I have only recently started becoming aware of the true Gospel of
Christ through your booklets, TV show, etc. I feel as if I really
am beginning to understand about the°Kingdom of God.
Since I started receiving the material from the Worldwide Church of
God, I've had to make some changes in my lifestyle. I never realized
how hard it would be, and yet, in the past few months I feel as if
I've been given quite a few blessings. I truly want to be able to
understand the Bible, and I know it will take time. However, the
Bible Study Course is a great help, and so is everything else. I
want to tell you how grateful I am that someone is preaching the
true Gospel.
Diane Salchli (Flushing, NY)
I have been a member of the Methodist Church since 1914, but have
never been able to understand the Bible as I do now. Thanks for
the truth. I was 78 years old in June, and in all that time I
have really never understood the Bible. I have been so far wrong
all of my life. I wish I could have known of you when I first
joined the Methodist Church.
L.W. Heaton (Hoisington, KS)