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I have really been studying all The PLAIN TRUTH material I can get
and find that I am learning more about the Bible and God's Command­
ments than I have learned in 33 years of Bible study at the church
I attend. It's hard for me to unlearn things I have been taught so
long--but I intend to keep studying until I know what God has for me
to do. I appreciate so much the work Mr. Armstrong and others are
Mrs. Lee Freeman (Dumas, TX)
I have been searching my whole life for the real truth. For some
time now I've been reading your booklets and searching Scripture.
The Church of God makes real sense. The rest I've studied don't.
I feel like I've just come out of Babylon since I've learned of
the Church of God. Truthfully, I always felt and knew something
was wrong with the other churches' beliefs, but I could not put my
finger on their errors until I learned of you.
Mr. Ray Zapotocky (Hazelton, PA)
Heke are a few lines to tell you that the last 22 years have been
years of better understanding the Bible. Those years have been a
period of eye-opening to truth, which I gleaned from the pages of
Mr. Armstrong, without a doubt in my mind, you are a true servant
of God. I thank God for the oppo�tunity of being a co-worker.
Mr. Thurman Wakeman (Flandreau, SD)
I am interested in joining your church. In my whole life I have
never joined any church or claimed any type of religion. I really
found no sense in it. In every church I have gone to, they have
placed values on money and party matters. Mr. Armstrong, I am
interested in my Father's ways. These other churches make God's
Word boring because they don't teach it.
Sherry Ham (Alexis, NC)
I have studied many religions and know just about all the doctrines
of the major and minor sects in the U.S.A. After all my sutdying,
the Worldwide Church of God is indeed the only one that professes
exactly what the Bible does. Mr. Armstrong is truly a voice crying
out amid total religious confusion.
Marie Haass (Lynbrook, NY)
Libraries Say "Thanks" for Mr. Armstrong's Books
I wish to, with appreciation, acknowledge receipt of your complimen­
tary copy of Mr. Armstrong's book THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL.
Also for the second book, THE WONDERFUL WORLD TOMORROW. The books
are in circulation and being well received by the membership.
Dalton Library (Sebright, Ontario)