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PASTOR GENERJ\L'S REPORT, December 5, 1980
Page 18
church. I believe your ministers are true ministers. To end my
financial worry I will be sending you one tenth of my income each
Johnny C. Jones (Altheimer, AR)
I thought you might like to know that the pamphlet I got from you
discussing VD for my own children, was placed in the hands of a
young girl I work with. The material was so plain and to the point
that she sought help from her doctor. Later the girl asked where
I had gotten the pamphlet from, and I showed her the back cover
where your address was. She had never heard of a church bothering
to discuss such a subject.
E. Colleen South (Wayland, MO )
I read your booklet, THE DILEMMA OF DRUGS, and was fully satisfied
with the outcome. While in jail over here I sent for your booklets,
hoping that it might help me overcome my raging drug problem. I can
honestly say after reading it, that I will leave the drug scene alone
to move on without me as one of its many suckers. I really reckon
God's Spirit has helped me overcome this problem as much as this
booklet has. I'm only 22 and have a lot of life left to really live
yet. I first got into dope when I was 14 and now I can be pretty
sure that this is the end of it all.
G. A. (Paparua Prison, New Zealand)
Could you send me anot!,er copy of "You Can Quit Smoking"? A friend
of mine "stole" my copy. But, she did quit--so that seems real
worthwhile! Thanks a lot.
Pattie Boeckley (W. Chester, OH)
Last week I requested a lot of literature that was offered free,
after reading a couple of booklets
received from you. Our family
was breaking up but after reading the two booklets on conversion
and why we were born, a new understanding came to us. We think our
family has a chance to be saved now, because we want to know every­
thing about God which was the missing link in our lives.
Mrs. Eileen K. (Canada)
I have read your booklet entitled WHY MARRIAGE--SOON OBSOLETE? and
I would like you to know that the section entitled "Is This God
Speaking?" is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing that I
have ever seen. You did an absolutely wonderful job of synthesizing
several difficult passages from Isaiah and making them easier to
understand. I have given copies to several colleagues, and all
have been impressed with your work. Thank you very much.
Carmine Mastrolia, M.D. (Jersey City, NH)
I have recently become a recipient of your most excellent literature
and am very impressed by what I have read so far. In recent years
I have considered myself an atheist and believed that there is no
real proof that the events in the Bible really happened. It all
seemed highly incredible.