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the Refreshing Program) and then the Young Ambassadors film. The
film ended with them singing "Harmony" and what a fitting way to
end a wonderful Sabbath of Thanksgkving and potluck dinner with
God's brethren. Our son, Steve, .is one of the young Ambassadors,
so we know how hard they worked to make this production. We want
to compliment Mr. Ross Jutsum for his dedication and effort. It
is so refreshing to see wonderful, clean and good entertainment.
BUT--none of these things would be possible without your dedication
and service to the Great God we serve. We want to encourage you
by letting you know that you continually enrich our lives and set
such a fine example for us to follow.
Jim and Marge Friddle
More Special Sabbaths of Thanksgiving to Come?
The Beaumont and Lake Charles congregations met together for the
special Sabbath of Thanksgiving. Although the weather was chilly,
overcast and a drizzle was in the air, it did not dampen our
attitude for the occasion. We had a very comfortable and beautiful
hall. The sermon centered on the occasion and showed that God has
ALWAYS delivered His Work from the hands of Satan all through the
ages, but at the same time we must be prepared to meet future shocks
--and may have to have many more "Thanksgivings" before the Work is
accomplished! The sermon was followed by a potluck dinner and three
hours of fellowship. It really was a "special day."
Dennis Doucet
Weekly Letter Comments
All over the world, the Work's literature is having a positive impact.
This week's comments show how different booklets have helped to change
people's lives. Other letters share experiences of coming into the
knowledge of the Truth. Contrasting the emptiness of the world's
religions, they recognize that this is the unique Work of God--the one
and only true Church. Finally, a selection of comments from Canadian
libraries responding to the placement of Mr. Armstrong's books on their
shelves has also been included for your interest.
Booklets Have Impact
I borrowed a booklet published by you entitled, SEVEN LAWS OF
SUCCESS. It has not only changed me for the better, but has also
reassured me that without God, there is no future. I feel this
booklet will help many people in my community. It will help people
to better realize that there is no success in life if God is not
present. God is success. May I please have ten copies sent to my
address at once.
Gregory J. Washington (Savannah, GA)
I received your booklet called ENDING YOUR FINANCIAL WORRIES. After
reading it, I was really amazed. I do have financial problems. So,
I have decided to give to God. Also, after reading your other
booklets and The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, I have decided to give to
the Worldwide Church of God because it is different from any other