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It's difficult to find a way to express our appreciation to all who
took part in the Refreshing Program. The one thing Carol and I
found absent was the attitude of pretense. There were no airs about
anyone and it was very REFRESHING!
We have one official complaint to make about the Catering Department.
The complaint is that Carlton Green provided too much food, too
often, that was too good! The result is that we are taking more
back home than we should--added weight! Thank you for everything
and we are now looking forward to going home and putting everything
into practice.
Gavin and Carol Cullen
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We've just finished--and have thoroughly appreciated--the Refreshing
Program. The tone was set right from the start by the letter that
stated "the only textbook will be your Bible." It was especially
enlightening to hear from you, Mr. Blackwell and the others so much
of what you've heard firsthand from Mr. Armstrong. I'm elated that
so much time was spent on such topics as marriage, preaching,
healing, tithing, demons, driving, divorce and remarriage, calling
of the ministry, etc., etc. EVERY single session was simply super!!
I can't wait to get back now and share it with the brethren and I'm
praying God will help us all serve His people a lot better as a
result. We're 100% behind Mr. Armstrong and the entire staff assist­
ing him.
Philip W. Shields
Mr. Armstrong's Tribute to Mr. Rader
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We were so happy and thrilled to read your tribute to Mr. Rader in
the latest Pastor General's Report.· As you said, it was long over­
due. We are writing to let you know our joy that you wrote the
tribute. We have long admired Mr. Rader and his loyalty and dedica­
tion to you and God's great WORK. Our lives were greatly enriched
by getting to know him better when he visited Nashville for some
interviews and talk shows. He just never wavers in his service to
God and His Work and it was an inspiration to be around him. We
learned first hand why you love him so much. When we were with him
our love for him grew. He sets a great example as a Christian in
God's service. He has had years and years of experience being with
you daily and you have been such a fine example and teacher to him.
We just wish all of us could have had the same opportunity to be
with you daily over these years to have you impart more and more of
God's character to us.
We are very happy about the events that have happened on your recent
trip to Jerusalem and Cairo. God continues to work miracles.
We also want to mention how much we enjoyed the Young Ambassadors
film at the Feast of Tabernacles. On November 15, the Sabbath
of Thanksgiving that you set aside, we showed the Nashville Church
the very inspiring film of your China trip (we had first seen it at