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most important book written since the Bible. For what other book
can a man point to that so thoroughly explains the purpose of
human life? There is none, and knowing the purpose of life is
knowing the most important thing there is to know. Thanks for
bringing that to our attention.
Ralph and Denice Orr
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just finished the Ministerial Refreshing
Program. Thanks so much for making this available to us. It
indeed HAS refreshed us and we're anxious to get back now and
share it with the brethren. It was a very balanced program with
solid, meaty instruction on many crucial areas of doctrine. I've
always felt totally behind you but as a result of the program,
feel even more so! I also want to take this opportunity to tell
you that our members in New Brunswick love you deeply, pray for
you earnestly and are totally behind you. We thank God every day
that He has inspired the Church to "get back on track." God is
blessing the Church once more. May He continue to guide, bless
and inspire you.
Philip W. Shields
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to add our words of appreciation to those
of t�e other ministers passing through the Refreshing Programs. We
have very much appreciated the material we have received, and the
excellent spirit of fellowship evident among the ministers and wives.
It was also very encouraging to see and to hear of the happy team
spirit among employees in the Pasadena area.
Ken and Carole Lewis
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
We've just returned home after completing the fifth session of the
Refreshing Program. My wife and I can honestly say that we truly
are refreshed. Thank you Mr. Armstrong for making this program
available to us. Our instructors are to be commended for their
loyalty and dedication to this great Work and to you.
My wife and I pray for you every day. We thank God for your
strength, character and determination to finish the work that God
has given you to do in this age. We thank God for giving us a small
part in this great Work. Please be assured that we back you 100%.
May God continue to bless you and give you the strength to take His
Message throughout this world.
Bob and Faye League
Dear Mr. Tkach:
We have already written to Mr. Armstrong, but felt we needed to drop
you a personal note as well.
Carol and I want to thank you for the
way you made us feel so welcome and were so willing to lend us a
ready ear.