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Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Elsie and I want to thank you so very much for the wonderful
blessing and privilege of attending the Refreshing Program. It
was even better than we expected! We're very grateful for all
the efforts behind the program.
We were very impressed once again with how God has blessed His
Church with such a thorough and beautiful understanding of God's
Word. It is amazing how much God has revealed through you over
the years. This program is a real "feast" of understanding!
The fellowship was delightful, the beautiful campus inspiring,
the food delicious, and the concerts and other activities were
very enjoyable.
The most refreshing part of it for us was the positive and Godly
spirit among the leaders, faculty, students, employees, etc. The
atmosphere was clearly faith, loyalty, unity, and great respect
for your office and leadership. Seeing firsthand this kind of
example and leadership in Pasadena makes us feel "proud''
to be
associated with them.
We were very glad to read the tribute you gave to the "profitable
servants" in God's Work in the recent Pastor General's Report. We
couldn't agree more. And you have certainly set us the best example
of being a profitable servant of God for these many years.
Don and Elsie Hooser
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to thank you for the Refreshing Program.
It was great to see that the doctrines Jesus Christ put into the
Church through you are once again being faithfully taught. We are
behind you 100% and know that as persecution intensifies against
God's Churc�he Work, and those who are His true servants that
God, as He did for the first Elijah, will always reserve for you
those who will not "bow before Baal."
Thank you for your continued leadership and direction. You are
always in our prayers and our efforts are always to support you in
completing the Great Commission.
Craig and Linda Bacheller
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Although I am not one for writing many letters, I do want you to
know how very much my wife and I appreciated the Refreshing Program.
In addition to reinvigorating us to our calling and service,
unifying us in doctrine and administration, inspiring us with the
diversity and worldwide scope of the Work, it also motivated us to
pay more attention to and nourish our marriage. Who would have
thought that the program could do so much?
I also wanted to let you know that after some thought I have come
to realize that your book, THE INCREDIBLE HUMAN POTENTIAL, is the