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7 million households.)
And the flood of incoming mail won't stop there.
Mr. Armstrong's offer of THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX is sure to bring a
massive response: our estimates indicate approximately 80,000 requests
to this semiannual letter.
There are some manpower changes to announce in Canada. Mr. Charles Bryce
is transferring from Regina to Vancouver to become pastor of the Lower
Mainland churches. Mr. Larry Greider and Mr. David Register, formerly
working in this area, will transfer to the United States.
Finally, the CKO all-news radio network renewed the contract for The
World Tomorrow program with the following improvements for 1981: The
program will air six nights a week, Monday through Friday and Sundays;
spot ads for the program and booklets will be broadcast 300 times during
the year at no extra cost; the network will attempt to open five new
transmitters within a year or so and give coast-to-coast news coverage,
and all thirteen stations will carry The World Tomor�ow!
Dutch Area Update Total mail received in October was 2019 letters com­
pared to 1360 last year. An increase of 48.5%. The income for October
showed a 23.1% increase year to date and a 19.8% increase for the past
12 months. Church attendance during the same month increased 19.3% over
one year ago. Total average attendance for both churches was 244. And
the number of active Bible Correspondence Course students is 1245 com­
pared to 1290 one year ago.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Thanks for the Refreshing Program. I attended the 4th session, but
my wife, Angela, wasn't able to attend due to the recent birth of a
son. It truly lives up to the name "Refreshing." I never got excited
over the idea of coming in for a sabbatical but I really got excited
over this program and opportunity. And I certainly wasn't dis­
appointed. It's left me refreshed and inspired and I must add,
raised my level of competence and confidence in better carrying out
the responsibilities I've been entrusted with here in the field.
The warmth and camaraderie of unity permeated all.
Something else that was very uplifting was to experience firsthand
that the men now in high positions of responsibility fully support
you and serve the Church as God inspired you to lead us. This
support and serving attitude comes through. There truly is a team
And thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for your faithfulness, loyalty and
dedication to God, His Word and His Work these many years. Your
yieldedness to His guidance has meant more blessings to us than we
probably ever stop to fully realize. The fruits of God's leadership
in your life are most evident and ever increasingly so. My wife and
I really appreciate you and your assistants who serve and support
you, the Work and the Church. Thanks again, and know that we here
in Tallahassee, Florida and Moultrie, Georgia are 100% behind you
as God's servant and Apostle in these end days!
Rick Beam