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International News
Page 12
Report From the U.K.
Mr. Herbert Armstrong preached to an overflow
attendance of a special combined church in North London recently on his
way to the Middle East.
For many present, this was the first time they
had seen Mr. Armstrong in person and a number of members even flew in
from other areas of the European continent to be there.
For the many
others who had heard him preach before, it was good to hear him once
again in such good form after being away from the U.K. for so long.
Promotional activity being carried on from the office here in Radlett
seems to be settling down to a pattern of steady and sustained growth.
Every week an advertisement is appearing in one of the major United
Kingdom newspapers which is bringing in a steady stream of responses.
The advert placed in Time magazine in June and in Newsweek has produced
a good response from English-speaking people in other areas of Europe.
A total of just under 7,000 people have requested The PLAIN TRUTH in
various languages Jsing the coupons from these two advertisements.
maintain this flow a second advertisement in TIME has just appeared and
we anticipate receiving responses from it until the beginning of 1981.
Although all the advertisements booked in Scandinavia l1av� already been
run, a few free insertions we have obtained are still bringing in a
reasonable flow of responses.
These were provided as refunds for past
mistakes made by the newspapers.
All this activity has produced substantial growth in the file over the
same period last year:
1) The United Kingdom and Eire together now stand
at 62,000--an increase of 60%;
Scandinavia stands at 13,000--up 128%;
Europe and the Middle East stand at over 15,000--an increase of 39%.
These figures are also reflected in the amount of mail we are currently
When compared with October 1979, the U.K. and Eire combined
are up 479%.
This gives year-to-date figures of +45%, +108%, +43% and
+169% respectively.
Income is also very good, standing at 27% up on October 1979, and gives a
year-to-date figure of +31%.
Canadian News
Greetings once again from Vancouver!
The following
combined September/October report reflects the continued positive trend
in God's Work in Canada.
For the first time this year church attendance went over the 9,000 mark
in Canada in October.
This reflects the upsurge in new visit requests--
42% up in September over one year ago.
New baptisms were up 40% and
church attendance 9%.
At the end of October the mail department had handled 373,817 items of
incoming mail--a 147.1% increase over the year.
And their work load
will not decrease in the forseeable future--the ongoing ad campaign for
the UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN PROPHECY is heading for the projected
45,000 mark.
Around 30,000 responses have been received so far with two
more weeks of advertising to come.
129 newspapers will distribute the
flyer to a total of 4.7 million Canadian homes.
(Canada has approximately