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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 5
were invaluable, and we certainly needed the spiritual recharging
we received through them.
However, to us the most valuable part of the program was the
personal example of the instructors themselves and the personal
experiences they related.
God has provided leaders in His
Church now who have been tried and tested and are living testi­
mony of what they are teaching.
It has strengthened our faith
irr�ensely to see how God is rewarding these men for their loyalty
to God and to His Apostle. We are grateful to you and for you,
Mr. Armstrong. You are a father to all of us in the faith. And
we are grateful for those at Pasadena whom God is now using to
hold up your arms. They are doing a wonderful job, and we want
you to know that!
We also want to express our delight in the recent Festival of
Tabernacles. We were privileged to attend in Tucson, and I must
say that the highlight was to see and hear you in person. Our
only regret is that all in the ministry of God could not have
that personal contact with you.
Thank you also for giving all Church Pastors the opportunity
to speak at the Feast. Speaking to such a large congregation of
God's people is very inspiring (and challenging!).
I appreciated
your comment to the ministers that you, too, sometimes get a
little nervous before speaking to vast numbers of God's people.
Sometimes we forget that you, too, need to be really "up'' for
speaking--we just assume it comes easily for you.
Thank you again for your tireless efforts to put God's Church
back on the track. Our prayers are continually with you.
Robert and Zenda Cloninger
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I have just returned from the October session of
the Refreshing Program and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
Thank you very much for providing this program by which all of
the ministry and their wives can be taught--guided and inspired
to "speak the same thing." We really appreciated the unity and
harmony of the team of men that instructed us.
It is a tremendous blessing to be a part of tile ministry in God's
Church. This program has helped us to be rededicated and hope­
fully better qualified to serve the brethren in God's Church.
Thank you again, Mr. Armstrong--we are 100% behind you as God's
Apostle in this age.
Dennis and Sidni Wheatcroft