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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 4
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I would like to thank you for making the Refreshing
Program available to us.
It has been over 15 years since we were in a classroom situation
like this at Ambassador College. It was GREAT once again to hear
the Plain Truth expounded and given by dedicated and loyal men.
Now we have a fuller picture of the calling of the ministry and
the whole scope of God's Work around the world.
We appreciated the opportunity to meet many of the ministers and
wives from outside the United States.
That same Spirit of loyalty
and service is also with them.
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for your years of dedication and loyalty
to God. In spite of hardships and severe trials, you have held
fast to the Truth that Christ delivered. Your example is a conĀ­
stant inspiration to all of us.
Our prayers are daily for you and this Work.
Roger and Andrea West
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
First of all we wish this small note finds you and your wife in the
best of health and that your trip to England and Egypt was inspiring.
My wife and I would like to take this time to thank you for the
Refreshing Program we have been privileged to attend. It was
great and coming from the Feast in the Wisconsin Dells it was like
walking into the Millennium.
The attitude of everyone was so wonderful and they were sincerely
happy people. We hadn't been to Pasadena in 18 years and it is
truly beautiful. The beauty of the campus matches the beauty of
the attitude of the teachers and students.
The House of God is all they say it is and more. Again, thank
you for being God's Apostle and showing us the way.
JOfln and Dolores Coco
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Less than a week ago, my wife and I completed the Refreshing
Program at Ambassador College. We have had a few days now to
reflect upon the classes we participated in and to try to more
deeply absorb the instruction we received.
As all who have
attended these sessions, we are deeply grateful. The classes