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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 21, 1980
Page 6
To: Messrs. Herbert W. Armstrong and Joe Tkach:
''Thanks for the memories" of the October 1980 Ministerial Refreshing
Program. Both of us express our sincere appreciation for the entire
session. Never in my ''brief" 15-year involvement with the minist ry
of God's Church has there been a ministerial education and training
program to match this.
It's nice to know that all sessions were conducted according to Mr.
Armstrong's guidelines, and that the guidelines, policies, and
doctrines covered were those of Christ through His Apostle and not
of men leaning to their own understanding! The sessions were correc­
tiv�instructive, exhortative, inspiring and unifying! How important
it is to know we are striving now to all speak the same thing with
Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
We also appreciated the opportunity of meeting a good cross-section
of the minsters serving in God's work worldwide: renewing old friend­
ships and making new ones was an uplifting experience we shall never
We also thank all the men at Pasadena who served so well as instruc­
tors in giving us so much information in so short of a time. I've
got 275 pages of notes to prove it! Indeed as our minds were well
exercised with weighty subjects of knowledge, our bodies were also
made weighty by the delicious preparations of Carlton Green and the
Ambassador College cafeteria--an experience par excellence.
And above all, THANK YOU Mr. Armstrong for providing such a program
for both ministers and their wives who share with you in this highest
of callings of this age to be ministers of the true God in His true
Church today.
Joel and Pat Lillengreen
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I wish to express our deep appreciation to you, your
staff and all the men and women who worked so hard to make the
fourth session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program so exciting.
A lot has been written about the success of the program, and
superlatives have been so over used in this society as to make
them meaningless.
I am therefore at a loss to express how we
feel about the program except to say that it was truly refreshing.
Refreshing indeed to hear the truth expounded as it has been
revealed to Mr. Armstrong, and to hear a fai�ful and loyal team
backing him up. The ministry is now coming to Pasadena not to
teach or change doctrine, but to be taught. That's the way it
should be, and although the sword cut deeper than it ever has
before, how enjoyable it was.
Please pass our thanks on to all who contributed to this program.
Gerald and Carol Weston