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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 18
We will be looking forward to returning to Pasadena for "Refreshing,
Part II."
Doug and Mique Smith
Mr. Joe Tkach:
My wife and I thank you and those who assisted you in bringing Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong's instructions to us. It was indeed very
uplifting and inspiring to see the wholeheartedness and obvious
loyalty and dedication to God and His Apostle. Not only is the
Church back on the track, but it is moving along majestically
towards the God-appointed goal. We certainly feel better equipped
now to do our part in God's Work and Church.
Roy and Tine McCarthy
South African Dignitary Sends Greetings to Mr. Armstrong
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Greetings from Johannesburg. Your visits to South Africa are still
fondly remembered and appreciated by many.
We are having lunch on the 20th of November with the Honourable
Hennie Smit, a minister in Mr. P. W. Botha's cabinet. He was
present at one of your meetings in South Africa and has asked
me to pass on his special greetings to you and Mr. Rader.
We were thrilled to hear you speak live by telephone to the
Pasadena congregation from London and Jerusalem. Our prayers
are with you.
Roy McCarthy
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
EVERETT, WA., HARRY E. SLEDER: I am happy to report that everything
is going real well. The Everett Church is a real warm, friendly
church. The people all seem to be headed in the right direction.
LAS CRUCES, N.M., KEITH BRITTAIN: Donation for Public Bible Lectures
came to nearly double what was anticipated from both churches.
CHICO, CA., MARC SEGALL: Happy to be able to report a 15% increase
in attendance at Sabbath services over the past 12 months. Most of
this is due to new P.M. growth. I also want to take this opportunity
to express the fact that Mr. Armstrong's Bible Study tapes are more
and more interesting. With every new one we receive we notice that
they seem to crescendo in inspirational content which has broadened
our understanding of these books of the Bible immensely. Mr. ArmĀ­
strong deserves our sincere praise for his exemplory efforts.
FARGO-GRAND FORKS, N.D., HUGH WILSON: The Fargo and Grand Forks
Churches are stable. The members enjoyed the G-II team of ''Doc"
Kessler and Fred Stevens stopping by. For those who can make it
into Bible Study, the tapes on I Corinthians are being well received.