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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 17
depth, meaty instruction given by all of those teaching what you
have approved, and the quality God inspired you to build into this
magnificent campus is all a witness to God's Spirit at work.
Thank you for your continued dedication to God's Truth. We feel
these days in Pasadena are invaluable for everyone. God is truly
pulling the strings back together and His Work is again moving
powerfully ahead under His Apostle's leadership.
David and Robin Hulme
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
Mary and I wish to express our sincere thanks to you and your staff
for the Ministerial Refreshing Program. We have enjoyed a very
profitable three weeks.
The weather was smog free, clear, sunny, and warm; the food and
fellowship superb; the updating helpful and encouraging; and the
campus never looked better.
Our prayers are with you daily, Mr. Armstrong, in this end-time Work.
Richard and Mary Pinelli
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing my wife
and me to Pasadena on the Refreshing Program. It has been a great
help to us and very encouraging to see men in positions of authority
who really do want to administer God's Work according to the way
of life God has taught through you.
I also want to express my gratitude for the opportunity of working
with the Work in the Asian area for the past few years. The brethren
there are certainly enthusiastic about the direction of the Work and
are a real inspiration in their dedication to their calling. We
spent a wonderful Feast in Penang, Malaysia along with Mr. and Mrs.
John Halford and three other elders, and it was certainly a picture
of the wonderful World Tomorrow.
Thank you for the opportunity of continuing to work as part of the
team under you.
Chris and Denise Hunting
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
Mique and I certainly appreciated the opportunity of attending the
fourth session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. We extend our
thanks to everyone for all the time and effort they put into the
We enjoyed renewing old and making new friendships with our fellow
ministers and their wives who were in on this first session that
included a number of us from some of the "International" areas of
the Work. It was also very nice to spend some time with the students,
and especially those from our area who are excited about college.