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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 16
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
The Refreshing Program was indeed refreshing! The Feast was super,
people's attitudes were uplifting; and so it seems that everywhere
I look things in God's Church are on the upbeat, getting better and
I thank God for turning us around, and I thank you, Mr. Armstrong,
for your leadership and example in making it happen. Two years ago
when you began to put God's Church back on track I hadn't realized
how far we had drifted. At that time I questioned, "Did we really
need to be put back on track?" It's evident that we did when I
compare the way it was then to the way it is now! What a refreshing
change in spirit and attitude that is now prevalent in God's Church,
in His College, and in those you have placed in positions of leaderĀ­
God and the Bible are IN and our sights are being focused on
the great calling we've all been given. What a blessing!
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, so much for your example and for the relent
less effort you've expended to set us straight. The light is dawning
and as never before I feel excited and privileged to be a part of
this great and marvelous Work.
I know there's a lot that still needs to be done for God's people and
I'm anxious to get on with doing it, and with God's help I'll succeed
--that's my prayer. Thanks again for the Refreshing Program and for
putting us back on the track.
Randall Kobernat
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
My wife and I just returned home from the three-week Refreshing
Program. What an exciting time it was. Thank you very much for
the opportunity.
For all who are yet to attend may we say you are in for a real
refreshing! It was refreshing to go over the Church doctrines,
refreshing to meet new friends and greet old ones, refreshing to
take time off from "the old routine," and very refreshing to be
on God's Campus once again to recapture the enthusiasm of faithful
and loyal ministers.
Les and Penny Mccolm
Dear Mr. Armstrong:
It's with great appreciation for this current Refreshing Program
that we write to you. You have long stressed the quality approach
to God's way of life. Once again we've experienced that quality,
the product of God's mind, here in Pasadena. The quality of in-