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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 15
responded enthusiastically, gratefully appreciating the opportunity to
hear such a powerful and inspiring message from one of God's evangelists
and personal emissary of Mr. Armstrong. Many
th� bret�en took the
opportunity to travel to other church areas to hear even more about God's
plan and purpose, cormnenting that the sermons were so fast-moving and jam­
packed with important principles and examples that it was very difficult
to take notes until they heard the material for the second or third time!
All in all, 945 people heard Mr. Waterhouse in 10 locations, and only a
small handful of members in scattered areas missed being able to attend
one of the meetings.
The tour was also an excellent opportunity for Mr. Peter Nathan to be
introduced to the brethren nationwide as the new Overseer of God's Work
in this part of the world. Mr. Waterhouse's visit ended with a ministerial
all the ministers from New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga on
October 30th--a chance to hear another five profitable hours of Mr. Water­
house's vi�al message!
Meanwhile, our October PT advertising campaign has proved most successful,
with 8,000 brand-new Plain Truth subscribers being added during the month.
Over 1�
000 letters flooded into the office in October, one of the highest
monthly totals on record.
A couple of manpower changes were made during the month. Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sidney, all native Australians, are
returning to their home country to assist in God's Work there. Replacing
them will be two ministers currently serving in the United States, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyall Johnston (both New Zealanders) and Mr. and Mrs. Don Eng
Engle is a New Zealander).
Australian Update Under Mr. Armstrong's direct guidance, God's Work in
Australia has undergone a complete change of direction. The Work and
Church are now being put "back on the track.'' The past three months has
been a period of change and consolidation.
While the number of letters being received is temporarily down (due to a
slowdown in promotions in this interim period), nevertheless, God has
continued to bless His Work in Australia financially. Income is most
encouraging. Our year-to-date figure for mail income and holy day
of rings stand at an excellent 30.3% increase.
Feast of Tabernacles reports from our nine Festival sites were all in
total agreement--it was the "best Feast ever.'' Many, many members com­
mented on the new enthusiasm, the renewed dedication, the attentiveness
and responsiveness given to the sermons by Mr. Armstrong and the ministry.
One member writes:
Dear Mr. Armstrong: The Spirit of God has demonstrated to us,
through many changed lives and attitudes, that Christ is working
powerfully through you, even restoring the Feast of Tabernacles to
the joyous Feast of God's Word that it was when I first learned
about it from you and began to observe it 15 years ago.
Final Registration figures were: Adelaide, 288, Albany, 551; Canberra,
379; Gold Coast, 1,050; Hobart, 263; Mackay, 390; Port Macquarie, 980;
Sunshine Coast, 520; Warrnambool, 742. This is a total of 5,163.
Members responded with a fine 19.5% increase in holy day offerings.