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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT , November 14, 1980
Page 14
Bowling As a reminder, the Y.O.U. bowling season begins on December
fir� Scores from around the country are compared in Pasadena and
achievement awards given (see your Y.0.U. manual). This is a fine sport
which can provide real family fun, but it has been overlooked in some
areas. You pastors might want to plan a special bowling party or even a
"how to" session with an instructor. By reserving the bowling alley
(Sunday mornings are usually best), you can provide a wholesome and smoke­
less environment that all age groups can enjoy.
Required Reading for Baptismal Candidates
Mr. Armstrong now requires that each person counseling for baptism read
BE LIKE. These books are presently in good supply here in Pasadena. Just
have the individual write our regular Box 111 address and the books will
be sent, free of charge. There is no need to contact Everest House for
these in this case.
International News
News From Germany The German-language area of God's Work is settling down
now for some hard work over the winter months until the Spring Feast.
Budget planning for 1981 occupied most of October. Further plans for this
winter involve socials for the churches, youth Bible Studies, leadership
and child-training seminars, and hopefully, making new visits resulting
from this fall's advertising campaigns for the magazine KLAR & WAHR.
Plans are also being made for various ministers from this area to attend
the Pasadena Ministerial Refreshing Program, and also to host a speaking
tour of Mr. Gerald Waterhouse in January.
In the month of October we began our fall advertising campaign. As
a result of the several ads and flyers placed in Swiss and German news­
papers and magazines such as DER SPIEGEL, DIE ZEIT, WELTWOCHE (Swiss) and
TAGESANZEIGER MAGAZIN (Swiss) among others, we added 6718 new subscribers.
Consequently, our total mail for the month was up 516% over October 1979.
We are especially pleased with our new Swiss ad campaign now being con­
ducted for us by Swiss Air's advertising agents Hermann & Schneider. They
designed the ad which appears to bring good results, and the publications
in which we are now advertising in Switzerland.
An unexpected and pleasant surprise for us in October was an offer of the
German Railway (Deutsche Bundesbahn) to advertise in the monthly train
schedules laid out on every seat in all Standard Express trains as well
as the famous and prestigious Trans European Express trains with a total
circulation of 1.5 million. The ad will appear in the busiest month of
the year, in December, and was offered to us for one third the normal price.
New Zealand Activities The highlight this month was the whirlwind tour of
Evangelist Mr. Gerald Waterhouse, who travelled with Mr. Peter Nathan to
every Church in New Zealand, speaking to a different congregation every
day for almost two weeks.
Mr. Waterhouse's dynamic sermons hammered home the need for God's Church
to be fully and completely back on the right track, following the direc­
tion of God's end-time Apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. The members