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AVoice Cries Out:
with Business
and Industry?
Has it, after all, contributed to
a better modernworld, or-?
STRUCTION threaten
to erase human life from
the earth! What part have
business and industry played
in the modern society that
now stands on the brink of
human extinction' 1
Surelv, when we look at modern busi­
ness, indu�tr\' and commerce we hnd
the :-.pectac\e of modern developmt>nt
tha1 Pxri1es enraptured adrniratinn
Or ha.s th1,; faret of C\\'ilization con­
trihuted tu the C.ft.l':-.F. of humanit\ · s
plight today·)
If a Linc•>ln. a \'anderhilt tff an F.mer
son could rome hark to life tQda.,·, he
would gasp !n amazed wonderme�f at
the astonishinl::' dev€'loprnent tjf modem
business and industrv'
The amazing development of the tele­
phone, motion picture in full color.
radio. television. motor car, mammoth
od tankers. jet planes. spacecraft hur·
tling men around the earth in 90 min·
utes, men travelint,:: to the moon and
hack. unmanned spacecraft tran-;mit­
tin� close-up picrures of che \fartian
surface to earth, the incredible modern
computers and almost e'Y'erv conceivable
technical husine!<s machin·e. as well as
modern mass industrial production and
modern sales and distribution svs
terns-all this would cause men of · a
short hundred years ago to gasp in
Commerce and industrv is a world
within a world-a fast-m�ving. pulsat­
ing world of high·geared activity. Surely
all these magic advancernents could in
no wav have contributed to the F.VILS
that f�ce our world todav
Seemingly not . But lr"we look deeper
we tind in this facet of so.cietv the same
evils that have C ' .4.L ' SED huma�it\-'\ deba­
cle today. \,\·'e tind these vibraflt, high­
pressure fields of activit� motivated by
self-seekinK competition and greed. And
too often. in selling andmarketingprod­
ucts. the sales appeal hes been to vanity
and wrong desires, utilizing dishonesty.
misrepresentation, deception, unfair
dealing. The motivatin(,\' incentive is to
' ' ca:T"-give less while charging more.
There are basics to life we usually do
HntR� ' IH \\ .\ti',1,-.THU"<l,
not look def'pl_, . enough to SPE> There
arf'. basicalh-. ,mh lht' t-wo hrnad wa1,-·s
nl life, Thr� trn\'el ln uppu�ite <lire -
tinns. I �tale them \'ery �imph The one
is J.0\F., meaning PUltl1n,., · inJi?: n•ncern f<ir
the g:ood 111' others. co(,peratlnn, serving:,
�haring:. I term it ··<;1H.·· The oppo�ite
wav to which thls wnrld is drawn is
··c�T" At an arl-cluh lunrhenn hack in 1910 I
heard a speaker ring 1H1t wi1h rmphasis,
.,or rooPF:R,HW .
. is the
life uf trade todav
. . We all seemed to
believe that then.
But later. m1,, wise . . Ben Franklin"
uncle, Frank Armstrong, then leading
ad\'ertising man ln Iowa. explained it to
me ditferentl}
"Tht> value of huslnes:-. conventions."'
he ohserved. "ltb in roOPf.'.HAfTO�. , Jones
has used a new idea that reduces costs
He shares his experience. and all prof­
ir - - none is hurL Smith tells how he
increased .sales and distribution into
new markets. .-\11 prutit hy his experi­
ence-none is hurt.'"
But humannature simply doesn't see it
that wav. That's the
the Creator
designed it-but humans differ �·ith Him
who said, "It is more hlessed tn GIH than
to receive." Cnfortunately that has been
regarded as impractical idealism. Yet
advantage at the cost of others, vani­
ty, coveting, lust and greed-envy and
jealousy. hostile competition, strife. vio­
lence. war. destruction. And above all.
resentment ofauthoritv�
l.'nfortunatel\ the· basic activating
motive in modern busine�s and indu!-trv
ha:-. ht>f'n thP '\;ET .. philos11phy In spile
nt rnatPri,il1,;,11c a<l1.ances. humanit� 's
prnhltms dre spiritual - and the spiri
tual incenti\e has het>n ··1;F.-r·· - ··,,o:
"' H.e..;u[t'' In -.µite •ff materiali:-.tic :id
\·ance.; there has hef'n -.,pintual r.Ptro
g-res�ion. Trnub!e. P\'lb. :-.utfenng an<l
anl{ulsh ha\t: ' engulfed the world
· I:.;
hont--..;t\ the he..,, policy ·' )" A maga
r.ine ..:un·e\' pul this ljllestion to l{J:t
husines:-- t'xerutl\'es. <-ill hlg-h in their
line:-. An o\' erwhelming maJnri!v
rlr,ubte<l 1,, ;1-;tri�·fl�· honest pnlic� ·
W!l\i!d i:-nahle llne to rise tn the tnp in !he
hu.;iness v.orld Unh two answered ves.
and (1ne qf rhese s�irl he knew he was
hf'ing nai\e
Said one, ·Penple 1,,1.ho d!ln't get dirt_v
d1in't make it"
··fn .Ill \ears." . ajd anorher. ·T,:e
knuwn o( onlv three men who'\·e
reached executive positions deanlv. and
r admit I 'm not one of them ..
·The higher rm executi\.'e is in the
man,1gemen1 ladder," said a third. ·'the
more likel� he is to do some dirty
work· Looking more deeplv. past the mate­
riali�l1c advances in 1he husiness world.
there has hee-n selfish motivation, dis
honesty. dog-eat-dog competition. dis­
regard for Ihe good of others. .-.harp
This facet of modern civilization. like
modern education, government, science
and technology, has moved in the direc.
lion opposite from the foundational spiri­
tual law of our �1ake-r. It has contributed
lo bringing man's world to an apparent
state of hopelessness and a soon future of
Bot that �uper-strnng "Unse-en Hand
from Someplace" is now about to inter.
vene. He sends a \.'Oice crying out with
the world's onlv and sure hope
inter\:ention will sa\ . ·e humanitv from
itself. A new and ditferent w�rld of
PF.A.CE, H4PPl�ESS and ABL'�DA�rr. for all
is that sure hope. Mankind won't brini;::
it about. [t will ha\·e to be done To
humanitv-and our motivation shall b,e
t"han�rd from"GET" to "'GIVE�" Agre,e or
Pastor General
\.Vorldwide Church of God
We have nothing to sell. Hut wtho!'.e whu might care fur 1t. 11. · e will send. grall�. with
no follow up. the intriguing booklet bv �r Armstrong. T . �e Set ' t ' n Lau so/ .'\ucce.u
Also upon request no subscription price- -
a trial subscriplion to Th.- Plain Truth,
a monthly majilazine of l.!NOl':R.ST"NDl!t4G, full color world,...ide circulation more
than two million t.:npies.
Co\e" the muning behind world news, the cauS4>S and
answer11 to human and world prohlem11. AddreliS Worldw1df" Church ,jf God.
Pasadena, Calif. 911�:l. or call toll fre-e (800! 423 444� In Califurnia call collect
(21:11 :">77-
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