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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 12
Mr. Armstrong and the President agreed that an iron bridge had been buitt
between the people of Egypt and the people of the United States--a bridge
that will not be broken.
Last Monday, in Jerusalem, Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader had been received
by Prime Minister Begin of Israel. Mr. Armstrong is presently writing
major articles for the Work's publications including The PLAIN TRUTH.
Meanwhile, the Foundation has been supporting an archaeological dig in
the Valley of the Kings in association with Waseda University of Tokyo.
In addition, the Foundation has supported a free clinic in the metro­
politan Cairo area. Both of these projects will continue to receive
support in the future.
Last month Mr. Armstrong spoke to some 300 members of the Egyptian
American Friendship Society and the Egyptian Political Institute at a
banquet honoring him at the Nile Hilton Hotel in Cairo.
Update on Y.0.U.
Here is some updated information on Y.O.U. that should answer several
questions. Please keep up the good work in enthusiastically supporting
the Y.O.U. program.
S.E.P. Plans are well underway for the 1981 Summer Educational Program.
In order to serve the most young people, we must schedule the time very
carefully. We need your help in this. School districts throughout the
U.S. and Canada vary widely in school closing and opening dates. Please
get a sample of these dates in your area and send it to Ministerial
Services as soon as possible. No formality needed, just jot them down
on a memo and mail it. Thanks.
International Exchange Program In the near future, the Worldwide News
will carry an article about the International Exchange Program inviting
hiqh school juniors and seniors
�pply! !'. Please call it to the
attention of the young people in your area and help them evaluate whether
they should apply. All applicants will be required to submit a letter of
ministerial recommendation. Be sure that you thoroughly evaluate each
student as well as counsel with the family about the exchange program.
We want to give this wonderful opportunity to those who will really
profit from it.
District Weekends By now the district coordinators should have plans
completed for the girls volleyball tournament. Please do your best to
make this a successful family-oriented activity.
We are working to put together a sample format for future District Week­
ends. This will be sent to you as soon as it is ready.
We are building the Bible bowl equipment here and will send a complete
set (lights, buzzers, instructions, etc.) to each district coordinator.
You should receive these sometime in February, so you will have them for
the next District Weekend.
(Continued on Paqe 14)