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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 9
But now one thing more. Mr. Rader has also been studying the Bible
and learning from me. I don't mean I spend all my time teaching him or
he spends all his time listening to my teaching. But he does have an
alert, quick and active mind--he's certainly "all A student" caliber and
much more, for he's much more than just a student or scholar. But he has
a brilliant mind--he grasps and understands quickly--he THINKS! He makes
the most of his time.
But does he do what is required of him? Apply that test of Jesus.
If he does what is expected--what is required--and no more, then he would
be an UNprofitable servant. But he does far, far more! He will work at
any hour of the day or night. When at Pasadena:-he usually is the first
one at the office in the morning.
Let me tell you what inspired this long overdue tribute. I am writ­
ing this in Paris, November 5, the day after the U.S. Presidential elec­
tions--a Wednesday. We are to have another meeting with King Leopold III
On Monday, with the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, he and I had
a half-hour private meeting with Prime Minister Begin in Jerusalem. I
flew over to Paris in our G-II plane yesterday, Tuesday. But Mr. Rader
insisted on getting up at 4 a.m. yesterday morning to catch an early
commercial plane flight to Paris--and WHY? Just to arrive in Paris about
4 hours ahead of me to be sure to arrange personally for my hotel
accomodations--getting me the best and taking a smaller room for him­
self. He could just as well have slept until 7 and had a more comfortable
flight with me. It was not his DUTY--not required of him--but he wanted
to be sure I would be comfortable.
That is just one example. Things like that have happened HUNDREDS
OF TIMES. He is always doing far more than required--far more than duty-­
going all out for the Work--for helping me carry out Christ's Great
One of the greatest doors opened to us in recent years--or all time-­
is the fact the Wall Street Journal has been willing to accept my campaign
of FULL-PAGE advertising MESSAGES proclaiming the Gospel to the great and
near-great of America IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE! It was Mr. Rader's unique
and special abilities that Christ utilized in OPENING THAT IMPORTANT DOOR!
He is of GREAT help to me in ideas for these messages.
But when the State of California launched its civil lawsuit against
God's Church,then, if ever, were Mr. Rader's services necessary to God's
Church and His Work.
Mr. Rader's accusers wanted to "cave in" and let the political
government of MAN take over and operate--·AND DESTROY--the GOVERNMENT OF
GOD! The only place on earth the Government of God is being administered
today is in the Worldwide Church of GOD! SATAN hates the Government of
God. God set him (when he was the super-cherub Lucifer) on the THRONE
OF THE EARTH to administer the GOVERNMENT OF GOD. He rebelled! He
destroyed the Government of God ON EARTH! He still sits on that THRONE
of the earth as the invisible and powerful god of this world! He tried
to destroy the Christ child! He tried to destroy (spiritually) Jesus
just before He began His earthly ministry at age about 30.