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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 8
COUNTRIES TO THEIR PEOPLE! Mr. Rader knew just how to talk to them in
terms of world governments, world conditions, and of course I know the
world condition, its causes--and together we have been able to talk to
the leaders of these many nations in their own language and win their
confidence and friendship.
Without Mr. Rader I simply could not have carried on this very
important worldwide Work. And in all, he has not in any manner tried to
take my place, nor belittle me as some other men who have had evangelist
and vice-president rank have tried to do--to push themselves into the
top seat in God's Work. Christ had not called those men for that posi­
tion, or they would be in it!
But some of them--men NOT IN THE CHURCH ANY LONGER--did everything
in their power to character-assassinate Mr. Rader--to speak evil of him
FOR NO REASON--to persecute him--to GET RID OF HIM!
Now I have said, if they KNOW some evil about Mr. Rader, why not come
right out with it, charge him with it, and PROVE IT? THEY NEVER DID! Why
did they turn many against Mr. Rader? What BAD thing has he done�They
have never been able to say specifically. They just wanted you to THINK
he is bad--NO REASON except they wanted you to believe so.
God says "Speak evil of no man!" They have broken that commandment
without reason!
Now when these men, wanting the top position for themselves and
jealous of and fearing Mr. Rader, started defaming him, HOW ARE YOU TO
KNOW? They wanted you to think Mr. Rader was BAD--ought to be gotten
rid of! Should YOU believe them? How could you KNOW? How do you avoid
Jesus said, "By their FRUITS shall ye KNOW! Not guess or MISjudge-­
but shall KNOW! I look at their underhanded propaganda AGAINST him--in
which THEY NEVER ONCE TOLD YOU WHAT he had done that was wrong--never
came out openly with any specific accusation--they just wanted you to
THINK--because they said so--that he is somehow BAD and I ought to get
rid of him--and they did plot to get rid of him--but they NEVER SAID WHY
--there was no specific thing of which they could accuse!
But what did I do? I LOOKED AT THE FRUITS--at his performance--AND
G O O D !
So I kept Mr. Rader on--but THEY are no longer with us! I looked at
their fruits too! And not only were their fruits bad, but by Jesus'defini­
tion, they were UNprofitable servants!
Mr. Rader has been touring the world with me, helping me take
Christ's Gospel into many nations, and helping plan for me to speak to
many large audiences and important groups high in government and in
business, including many Rotary Clubs, Lion's Clubs, Kiwanis, and JCs,
and others.
When we began these travels--and arduous travels they have been-­
Mr. Rader began to use spare moments in learning to read and speak and
understand French. Today he has an excellent French vocabulary and can
converse in it, write in it, read it like a native Frenchman.