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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 7
God started the Work of the Philadelphia era of His Church through
me in a tiny one-room, 36-seat country school house. Often I have had
to work with improper facilities--but the main thing was to get the Work
Through the years God has qiven me--called to assist me--many people.
This started about 1935 with a woman secretary half time, then a full­
time secretary, then gradually more and more.
Some whom Christ has given me to help have really been PROFITABLE
SERVANTS--they have done far more than their duty!
One of these was Mr. Stanley R. Rader. He saw that our accounting
system was crude and totally inadequate. I hired him on a fee basis and
he set up for us one of the most sophisticated accounting systems in any
institution or corporation. He was already a CPA (Certified Public
Accountant), but he added to his UCLA degree by enrolling in the Law
School of the University of Southern California and graduated with highest
grades on record. Yale and Harvard Law Schools wanted him on their
faculties. But he had begun to catch the vision of God's great Work--and
I think he not only liked us, but liked me personally--and he stayed on
with us.
After a while I asked him to come with us full time. He did. God
had given him an active, brilliant mind--and he used it.
He improved himself. Soon he not only knew all about law, legal
matters and accounting, but business administration and finance.
I myself had been the advertising representative in Chicago of the
nine principal journals read by bank executives, from age 23 through 30,
but my mind had developed in the advertising and writing and psychology
areas. I had no connection with banking nor reason to enhance my
knowledge in the field of finance. But Mr. Rader did. Soon he convinced
the second largest bank on the West Coast that we were a good and solid
financial risk.
Through investment bankers Mr. Rader got us adequate financing, into
millions of dollars, for the new building program of the college at
Pasadena--then also for Bricket Wood, England, and Big Sandy, Texas.
Twice I was able to borrow a million dollars cash of the largest bank
in Philadelphia, on my own signature--WITHOUT SECURITY! But it was Mr.
Rader who arranged it. All I had to do was meet top bank officials at a
luncheon in Philadelphia--for they wanted to see me personally before they
risked that much money on me--but Mr. Rader had given them confidence in
me and the Church. Incidentally, all loans were paid back on time.
When I started taking advantage of the door Jesus Christ was opening
before me, by being invited to visit kings, emperors, presidents and prime
ministers all over the world, frankly I could not have carried this
responsibility on had not Mr. Rader accompanied me in all these private
meetings. Together we have undoubtedly had private meetings with more
heads of government� than any other man on earth. I did not see them to
try to convert them--but to win their confidence and friendship SO THEY