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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
Page 6
Then we have some whom I may usually find at the office before 8 in
the morning, will be working there through most of the hour between 12 and
1 p.m., and often will still be there at work after 6 in the evening if I
chance to need to telephone them. They will usually be there at work
Sundays also.
I am reminded of how Jesus was teaching His future apostles one time.
He said, "So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which
are commanded you, say, 'We are UNprofitable servants: we have done that
which was our duty to do'" (Luke 17: 10).
In other words, Jesus says that if we do ALL that is our duty--ALL
that is required--we are still UNprofitable servants. The profitable
servant does more! He thinks! He thinks about his job--his duty--and
he sees extra things that need to be done--and he does them, even on
extra time! He doesn't watch the clock. It is not ONLY how many hours he
puts in--he does what needs to be done even if it takes many extra hours.
He isn't thinking about how many hours he gets paid for--but the great job
God has for us to do, and what falls within his jurisdiction regardless if
it takes "extra hours without extra pay." And he doesn't try to take over
the "Boss's" job.
I think that our executive and office people at Pasadena do not
shirk their duty, and we have men who do far and away more than their
duty. They do measure up to Jesus' standard of being faithful servants
of Jesus Christ.
If I should need to call Mr. Joseph Tkach at 5:30 or 6 p.m., I can
often be pretty sure he will still be working in his office. The same
for Dr. Kessler. And usually on Sundays.
On the present trip with me--I am writing on my European and Middle
East trip--are two of our younger elders--though both are married, one
with children--Kevin and Aaron Dean. They really do work--with enthusiasm.
They are stewards on the aircraft, and both have important ministerial
jobs at Pasadena when not flying. They do far more than their duty--from
the heart!
Beside many other responsibilitie� I am now asking Mr. Kevin Dean
to take over direction of the Y.O.U. and Y.E.S. They are close to the
youths of the Church, and serve greatly in that area of the Work.
Almost 54 years ago the HEAD of God's Church--the living Jesus Christ
--called me to be God's begotten son and Christ's Apostle. At the tinie, I
studied and went into deep research to learn of Him, often studying until
1 or 2 a.m. and starting early in the morning. I have never watched the
clock--except to keep appointments. In my 89th year I still work at all
hours of day or night. When traveling, I work at makeshift desks or
tables too high for my typewriter, having to find sofa cushions or some­
thing to pad up the chair seat so I can work at my typewriter.