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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, November 14, 1980
by Herbert W. Armstrong
Page 5
This is a long overdue tribute. A leader among us has been misjudged
--maligned--persecuted and character-assassinated. It's time I speak up.
Brethren, sometimes I think we are poor judges. God says to us,
"Know ye not that we shall judge angels? How much more things that per­
tain to this life?"
(I Cor.
The following verse says we should set them to judge who are least
esteemed. Yet it has been some of those MOST esteemed, in highest posi­
tions, who have flagrantly MISjudged, indulged in character assassination
and deliberate persecution. It's time I should speak out and I shall
delay no longer!
God teaches, "Render therefore to all their dues, ...honor to whom
honor" is due (Rom.
13:7) .
Yet it was those most esteemed (not only by us but by themselves as
well) who sat in condemning judgment, persecuting one who has proved a
faithful servant.
But I hasten to add the condemners and persecutors are mostly no
longer even members of God's Church. Perhaps what I am about to say is
one of the sad reasons.
These were also those--and some were of evangelist and vice-presi­
dential rank--whom I frequently found it difficult to contact by phone in
their offices. They usually arrived at the office an hour or more late.
If I called at 11 a.m., a secretary would say sweetly, "I'm sorry, but
has gone to lunch." If I called at 1:20 he would not be back
yet from lunch. If I called at 4:45 in the afternoon the same sweet
secretarial voice would say, "Mr.
is gone for the day."
One or two of these men had to have the largest desks at headquarters
while I carried on the chief executive's work from a tiny cubbyhole of an
office too small for a man's smallest desk, over a small woman's boudoir
Yes, when I think back, "those were the days!" Some young men with
fairly recent college degrees were real important "BIG EXECUTIVES"--in
their own estimation. Sometimes I thought the only real work they ever
did was spend time wondering whether Mr. Armstrong was working hard
enough! What a shame--they are no longer with us! But the WORK is really
getting done, today!
We do have men.on the salary rolls at Pasadena today who arrive on
time at the office in the morning, do not leave until 12 noon or 5 in the
afternoon, and take only one hour for lunch. They do what is required of